Thursday, December 4, 2008

A Word from Bill Brittan

"Eagles are symbolic of a certain class of Christians. "But they that wait upon the Lord… shall mount up with wings as eagles" (Isaiah 40:31). The "mounting up" process is important and necessary to the Sons of God who are to be caught up to the throne of God, conformed to the image of the Son of God and rule and reign with Him forever. But it only comes to those who will wait in His Presence until the Glory that shines from His face changes them from the image of the earthly into the image of their Heavenly King. Not everyone who enjoys the blessings of God's grace and who believes in Jesus Christ to the saving of their souls will destroy the idols of earth that stand in the temple of their hearts, and pay the price to go on with God to heavenly places. But God has predestinated those whom He hath foreknown, and He has purposed that His glory shall be manifested in them. What opportunity! What glory! What a high calling! Praise God for His unsearchable riches, and for His love and mercy to the sons of men!"

Eagle saints have a special training all their own. The flutter of His wings make us think sometimes that He is going to beat us to death. But the Bible says that if we do not receive His chastisement, it is a good sign that we are not Sons. When we are finally willing to leave the nest, trusting completely upon Him, then He takes us into heights of glory never before experienced. Well, everything seems wonderful, and we are rejoicing in our new and glorious experiences. Then suddenly the bottom drops out, and He is not there. As we drop from the dizzy heights of glory to the depths of gloom and despair, we flop our feeble wings desperately and unsuccessfully, and wonder why God has left us to perish like this. Suddenly He is there! And as He bears us on eagles wings back into the heavens, our strength and joy returns. Only to find that the process must be repeated. Over and over, until finally we find ourselves able to use our God-given "wings" and be sustained on high by the power of His strength within. .....

But some that are offered Sonship, as eagle saints, refuse to move into this realm. They rebel against the processing of God. They resent being placed in the furnace of fire. They love the nest on high, the safety of His wings, but they despise the chastening, the discipline, the necessity of learning to stand alone in the heavenlies. He is patient. He is longsuffering. He works with them, giving them chance after chance. But some will not learn, will not yield their rebellious spirits to His will. So He finally leaves them to fall to destruction on the craggy rocks of a carnal earthly nature. You have seen them, and so have I. And I have wondered how that those who once soared among the stars could have fallen so low and come to such an end. How could some who had such revelation, such marvelous gifts and ministries, have come to the place where they could accept such heretical doctrines of devils? Or cheapen their ministry and sell out the gift of God for fame and fortune? It has happened, and you know it. It does not make the true revelation of the Spirit any less true. Nor does it take away from the reality of the Gift God had given them. It had been better if they had remained as chickens, in the safety of the barnlot. But they had prayed to be eagles, and God answered. But the tests had brought out the rebellious nature that would not submit wholly to the dealings and discipline of the Holy Ghost. And they fell. Now a chicken may fall off his roost, or off the chicken house, but he never falls far. For he never rises to great heights. But when an eagle falls, he falls a long way and is seen by many. But it is necessary, beloved, for there must be no rebels among those who make their nests on the tops of the mountains and soar above the storm clouds. .....

Chickens or Eagles?

Chickens also are symbolic of people. The only time chickens are referred to in the Bible, Jesus used them as a type of those people in Jerusalem who could not hear His message nor heed His call. They traveled in crowds, in broods, and they were earthbound. They kept their eyes upon the things of this world, scratching out a bare existence, and never lifted their heads to see Him who is from above. They ate the handouts that were cast to them, and searched greedily in the crowded barnlot for more to fill their bellies, much of it unclean. For the chicken is by nature an unclean bird, and will eat dead things and unspeakable filth. They are bound to their existence on the right and on the left by fences, and are satisfied.

But not the eagle. For he has inherited a nature that cannot and will not survive in the confining captivity of the barnyard fowl. To be happy and to fulfill his purpose in life, he must be free to soar in the wide open spaces among the clouds of heaven. It seems lonely up there, for there are not many who will dare to rise to such heights, but the eagle does not care, for it is not in his nature to mingle with the multitudes or the majority. "

Bill Brittan from Eagle Saints Arise

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