Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Keys of the Kingdom

Keys of the Kingdom: Part One Background

And the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, has sent His messenger (angel) to make known and exhibit to His servants what must soon come to pass. (Rev. 22:6 Amp.)

Some have thought that because I preach “the kingdom”, and debunk the Rapture lie, that I do not believe in the Church. This is untrue.

My stand is this: I do not hope in the church, yet I have hope for it. I believe that for the church to become mature, It must embrace the kingdom Message, and denounce denominationalism, rapture theology, and Episcopal, Congregational, and Catholic, forms of government.

Beyond the church realm (candlestick) is the “Come up Hither” realm. The journey to this place requires you to go beyond Churchanity. If you love this world, and its trappings and ways, you cannot come up hither. We speak of entering the Holy of Holies.

There is a wisdom that is coming from the most holy place that man must embrace to be victorious and have faith that overcomes this world.

We are called to be overcomers!

There are Teachers, and Prophets, and Apostles , Pastors, and Evangelist, who have come up hither and have the truth that will set men free, and will empower them to be overcomers.

There are keys, which are given to the church, that unlock the greater kingdom dimension that I speak of!

There is a warning that must be preached in the church. It is, “Repent unto the Kingdom”. If the church, which holds the keys of the kingdom, does not repent unto the kingdom, it shall fall into total bondage. (Even more then presently manifesting)

The keys of the kingdom unlock the power of the age to come. We must rule in “dominion”, for it was Jah’s command in Genesis. We must rule from a spiritual throne, as servants of the Most-High King. Christ has done all he intends to do concerning overcoming this world. The cross and resurrection was the victory, and we will see it fully when we believe it fully!

Presently there are winds of change and judgment blowing on the church. The church in its present condition is whorish. Whores and whore-mongers will not have a place of blessing in the eternity of Jah. So the message we preach to the church is: “Repent for the kingdom is at hand.”

Until the church come out of man-made ways and self-gratification it cannot enter the power of God and the revival so awesome that no man could even comprehend it lest His Spirit reveal it. This revival awaits the unlocking of truth (keys) that will cause it to explode on the called of this hour.

Until the church understands the keys, it will never fulfill Jah’s original call, even though Christ has already finished the work. He awaits a believing church.

Mat 16:19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

The keys of the kingdom, are something that unlock doors in the kingdom. They are not keys to the kingdom. The key to the kingdom is "repent for the kingdom is at hand". That is how you get in.

To be continued.

(If this sounds like bad theology to you, if your rapture theology, is about to burst, I’d suggest you find another blog to read).

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