Friday, December 19, 2008

The Pattern is Heavenly

When you take religion out of the Church that which is left, is kingdom. It is righteous, peace and joy, in the Holy Spirit.

The church coming into order, is kingdom. The pattern is heavenly. The kingdom manifesting now, is what is lacking in most end times theories you hear on TBN. They tend to put it off in the never-never land of the millennium.

When we bow to the king, not the church or the ministry, the kingdom is at hand. Where ever there is performance based church, the kingdom has not come.

Written for my friends who attend AI Schofield influenced churches. (Assemblies, Four Square, Baptist, Methodist, Oneness Pentecostal, etc)

If you believe in the rapture as men flying through the air, this web blog is not for you...or is it?

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