Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Love of Money

If you've stood against the rising tide of Government corruption, you have probably found that there are many who think it wrong to challenge government. Our national government is as evil as I have ever in my 55 years, seen. As a man of God I cannot turn my back and say I do not see it.

Like Neo in the Matrix, I have known all my life that there is something wrong with the way things are. This so called "reality", we live in the US, is lie. It is a false direction.

It was less then six years ago that I began to understand that our nation was being systematically brought under the influence of globalist forces that have a malicious intent for the unsuspecting citizen. I had heard of the Illuminati since I was a teen. I had on occasion discussed it. But finally the Lord began to show me Truth about the US. It is evil, sold to evil.

In this day, with access to Internet information, it would take a total fool to believe that our government is "For the People".

I have made stands against many of the policies that are undermining the sovereignty of this nation. These policies made in Washington, have filtered down into local law. This nation is one of the most over-governed nations in the world. When the nation that is most over governed, is the lead nation in the world, it means the worst nation in the world that could lead, is ruling the world.

Even though we have one of the most evil governments in the world, the American people, who are blinded by government witchcraft, are basically a good people.

It is the globalist sell out leadership of this nation that is pure evil. They have molested the Constitution while their whore the "Elite Media", has called them "Wonderful!"

The reason I comment on this on this blog, which mainly deals with the Kingdom of God, is that the church seems to have bought into the lies of this government, hook, line, and sinker. It is therefore, a bewitched church which still holds the keys to the kingdom! This church was desensitised to truth while watching "Prosperity Gospel TV"

The flap over Sarah Palin is foolish. Their is no "right" or "left" in America. This is a false paradigm. They are just different sides of the same coin that is totally owned by the Global elite.

My friend, if church folks do not wake up to the kingdom message and forsake the gaudy prosperity lie, propagated by TBN and their "Evangelist", then I have little hope for this nation. The nation is sick because we the so called "church", are evil. The love of money is the root of our evil.

The Word of the Lord is: "Repent for the kingdom is at hand!"

The "kingdom message", which I preach, is the funeral message to the lie that TBN and their cohorts preach.

It is time that these doctrines of devils were rooted out and torn down. If you speak publically against the "Prosperity Message", you will face the same neigh-sayer crowd in the church that is in the world elite media.

"Don't bother us with the facts! You are so negative!"

They think it wrong to say the church needs to repent. And if you say it does, they say you are evil. But if you are called to preach, then Preach the Word! Let the liars have their mausoleums.

Come out from among them. Touch not that unclean thing. It is a harlot and its system is harlotry and witchcraft. It is Spiritual Babylon. How many new ways, new incantations-which they call sermons-will they come up with to get your money?

The recent scandals of many of the major preachers, pales in comparison to the scandal of the prosperity doctrine that is promoted weekly on TBN. Every time they get you to give them your money, they entice you in to their harlotry. This is Mammon trust, this is greed, this is Korah-the false anointing, which is a spot in your love feast!

Unless we repent unto the kingdom, we will not see the deliverance of the church from these demons.

My call to TBN is to repent, for God's kingdom is at hand. His winnowing fork is in His hand.

"The Word of the Lord is: "Repent for the kingdom is at hand!"

The "kingdom message", which I preach, is the funeral message to the lie that TBN and their cohorts preach.

It is time that these doctrines of devils were rooted out and torn down. Some may think it wrong to say the church needs to repent. If you say "repent", they say you are evil. But if you are called to preach, Preach the Word"

Repent is the word! Unto the KINGDOM!

Kingdom Sons are the only ones who will overturn the troubles of this nation. TBN's prosperity message including its rapture lie, is the greatest deterrent to this happening. If God's people repent, God will heal the land.

(A similar portion of this (italicised) message was sent to TBN. I would have sent more but they limit your Email characters.)

Saturday, September 27, 2008

From Coach Fizer

The Power of a Created Daily Life…
August 26th, 2008
"Have you aligned yourself with the Intent that God had that inspired you being created? Everything was created by Intent, Purpose, and Design. In order to fully experience a Maximized Life it is imperative to discover and live “the Intent concerning you!” A chair has a different requirement than a table, yet both were created from Intent and possess the power to “partner together!” Don’t allow a chair to “know itself” in greater ways than you know yourself! Don’t create life “from sight!” Allow the Power of Divine Intent to “create your life daily!”A “Purpose Known” will naturally create your daily life. An “Original Intent” that is embraced “will produce the daily schedule of life!” Life is not designed to be created “from obligation, but by Supernatural Imagination that is produced from the Father’s Mind!” Daily life that is created by need will keep one “needing.” But life created by the Creator’s Design will empower one to create. And it “is” possible to “live from the Fruit that is a natural byproduct of what you have created!”"

This Article quoted from Dr. Undrai Fizer

Friday, September 26, 2008

Jeshua is LORD!

We are the fourth dimension of Jah. We are the present expression of Jah in this earth. God created us in His image and after His likeness. He has anointed us with His power. In Adam God made a perfect man. Adam was complete, male and female yet alone. Out of Adam, Eve was retracted. We now have mankind. Male and Female separate.

From Adam we had our place of genesis. Then there was Abraham, who was the father of our faith, then on to Moses who was of the Law, then Elijah and the prophets. These men were fathers of great epochs of history. They were flesh and blood ensamples. Then the fulfillment of all these ensamples, was Jeshua. He gave us His Spirit. This was shown at the mount of transfiguration. From Law to the Prophet, to Jeshua and then the command to greater works.

Jah's Ruach instituted the Kingdom. The Kingdom has come to this earth in His Ruach. Yet Jesuha's prayer of the garden was only partially answered. Now the kingdom must advance, and Jah’s will must be done. Obedience to Jeshua is the key to all Jah has for us.

We might question our ability to fulfill this great call. But to do so is doubt. He said: “greater works”. Before Adam’s fall there was no lack. There was no limitation due to lack. But now there is constant battle between the evil in this world and the son’s of God. Yet we have come to a time unlike any before. This is the time of His greater glory. The preacher in Ecclesiastes said: “Time and chance comes to all men.”

Jeshua said He came to be a witness to all truth. So must we. We witness on many fronts. To church, to government, to family, and to the World. What we have heard in the secret place we shout from the housetop. If we go into a city (a place of rule of men) and they receive us, our peace is granted to them. If they reject our word, we wipe the dust from our feet. We are a sweet savor to Jah and His sons, but the smell of death to the evil who are perishing.

So be it. We are the city of our God come down from the heavens. We are the truth. If they hate us, know this, that they hated Jeshua before us. We are exactly what Jah needs to advance the kingdom in the earth. We male and female, and from all nations, are the one new man. The kingdom man. The Son’s of God.

Satan has lost. Jah shall prevail! Jeshua is Lord! Jah's will shall be accomplished in this day!

Jesus is Jeshua! Jesus is Jeshua! Jesus is Jeshua! Jesus is Jeshua! Jesus is Jeshua! Jesus is Jeshua! Jesus is Jeshua! Jesus is Jeshua! Jesus is Jeshua!

Tolerate or Endure?

(Originally posted on the Emmaus Road Prophet blog)

What you can tolerate you cannot change. There is a difference between tolerating something that is wrong, and enduring a wrong.

The things you cannot change, you must endure. The trial of a sickness that even though you pray, you do not see change, must be endured. I speak of a hardship that comes to all in this fallen world.

You do not endure evil. You take authority over it. A demon must not be tolerated. You take authority over it.

With the Lord's help, people can change if they want to. If they do not want to, or are unwilling to pay the price of change, then know this, you are not called to tolerate their evil.

2Ti 2:3 Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Worship is Arising-Father is Drawling

Many years ago I pastured a church where we had open alters, which means people were free to come to the alter each time we met. I had an older religious man in my church who made no profession of Christ, ask me: "Why the same people were always coming to the alter for prayer?"

All I could say was: "Because they feel they need it."

I was not one who made a heavy plea for folks to come to the alter.

We are in a day when Father is drawling a people to come to Himself for deliverance. It won't be completed in a one time move. In fact, little of this deliverance will be done in a formal church setting. Small groups can be useful, but really the Kingdom must come to the individual where they are at any given moment. The Kingdom is carried by those who are possessed by the Holy Spirit.

Those who embrace the Holy Spirit are arising to faith. They who are only religious toward God are falling and they won't get up.

As Father releases new songs to the minstrels, and to just about anyone who will hear and obey, we will experience the greatest times of worship we've ever known. Your body will not tire even in long hours of worship, for the Lord will carry you.

Worship is arising again. Those who represent yesterday's religion may ask why people are being drawn in worship to repent. All we will be able to say is, "The Father is drawling us". Worship then will be found everywhere kingdom people gather.

As in the past, some times the Spirit will even visit the church meeting with the heaviness of His presence. This will happen where people repent unto the kingdom.

The new levels of worship will make way for a New Kingdom government to be established, as the saints are perfected.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Thy Kingdom Come 2

The kingdom of God, His Holy Zion is becoming a reality in this day. Jesus has been calling a people out of a people for a particular purpose. It is to become His end-times witnesses of truth.

The institutional church is full of deception and lie. It is whorish to its very core. It is sold to self-promotion and self-love. It caters to men and women who are willing to pay this prostitute an offering each week so that she would make them feel good. The denominations have by name description, a purpose that is against the Lord's. It is to denominate, or to number and control. They put people into a certain category that says we all believe the same stuff!

Seek truth not acceptance of men! Come out!

Spiritual Babylon is found, in the place in men's heart where they gather together for some form of earthly praise and gain. Let our praise be of God and the Spiritual. Let out works glorify Him!

Jeshua for many years now, has been calling a people out of that denominational Harlotry. Yet few have found their way clear of that harlot’s sorceries. Today if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts. His sheep know His voice. The day of your deliverance is at hand! That Babylon you have been involved with is the haunt of every evil spirit. It is time to come and be delivered from her many lies.

Lord we call forth a kingdom of God people. We call those who would be saved out of the whoredom of the institutional church.

Let Thy Kingdom come this day Lord. Let your Spirit cast out the enemy.

Rev 18:2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
2Cr 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean [thing]; and I will receive you,

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Thy Kingdom Come

1Th 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

I invite all believers to examine what and why they believe what they believe. In doing so, some may find that they caught their beliefs much as a man catches a cold, through contact with whoever might have been passing by.

Seek truth. Know truth. The wise man believes truth, that is to say the Word of God. They believe both the Logos and the Rhema.

Biblical believers should keep an open allegiance to truth. They should always be willing to understand more from God’s word. This is the seeking heart. And when they have revelation and understand new truth, they should be openly committed to its precepts. This is the knowing heart. The minute you stop seeking greater revelation from His Word, the minute you have all you need and have no desire for more, you begin to die spiritually.

Denominations tend to try to get people to think alike about scripture. They shun people who do not hold their held doctrines as scripture. This is foolish. Many of these doctrines, which have been passed down from church elders, are not Truth. To say they have found all you need to know and you need to look no further is the epitome of hubris.

There is Truth in the Word. The bible is God’s Word written down. I believe it was inspired of God and expressed His will for man, in its original context. When studying the bible, in our search for truth, there is a need to understand how the words in the text were used historical. But once you’ve gone through all the work of properly understanding the words in historic common usage, you still must leave room for God to speak from that written word and to tell you things that the written word may not fully say. At that point you may be forced to choose between church and Truth. Choose Truth! A true repentance unto the kingdom, includes a repentance from the traditions of Religion.

Indeed, the one, who repents unto the kingdom of God, may find immediate enmity between themselves and their church group. The group may miss-judge you and try to put you in a position of bondage to their opinions. They may even associate you with cultic “kingdom groups”. This is the way of Religion. Religion honors the God of the past and denies the God of now. The devil is an accuser. He points a finger to cause men to doubt truth.

God’s finger has quite a different affect. It is His Spirit. When the finger of God casts out demons, you know the kingdom has come. When men hear the truth, and God exposes a demonic presence, they must make a choice. The choice is to repent unto the kingdom and receive their deliverance or to go back into religion.

Only those who follow on with Jesus are fit for the kingdom. The kingdom is found, where His will is done. The kingdom is your future. It is where the king resides and rules. It may be found in the local church. But it may just as well be found at the corner coffee shop or pub. If you have repented unto the kingdom, it is where you are. When you come, His kingdom comes. Demons will always react to a kingdom person. The demonic will be delivered or eventually flee. Satan is lie. Jesus is truth.

Dan 7:18 But the saints of the most High shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom for ever, even for ever and ever.

Mat 6:10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as [it is] in heaven.

Friday, September 19, 2008

The One Who Trembles

The kingdom is found in the place, and at the moment in time, where people come into what they were created for. Each life has a purpose ordained of God. Each person carries with them an anointing to live out their lives to honor God. But men choose evil. Men chose their own ways.

The bible and the rest of human history are full of men who decided to walk apart from God’s will. One man is called by God to pastor. One to work at digging holes. Some are designed with a mathematical aptitude, while others with art and musical abilities. All men are given abilities uniquely for their lives and ministries, and this is of God.

Of course not all men apply what they are given, to their lives. Some even good church folks say: “ I just want to live a good life, and not be bothered by service to God…but go to heaven.” This will not happen.

The Lord requires all of life to be lived in fellowship with Him. This is so that His life would continually flow to you and through you. This will cause you to automatically fulfill your purpose in God.

I know people who have what is called by most a “good job”. This means they make "good money". Many of them go to a "good" church. They are thought of highly in their comminutes. But they are dead spiritually. Their god is their belly. Men praise them for what they do. But they do not know, that God’s call was so much higher. Church is pleased with these men. They may be great financial givers. But their hearts are far from God.

God is looking for someone who trembles at His Word. The one who trembles, the one who respectfully fears God, is the one who pleases Him. A man who fears God, is a man who has learned that all He does for God, is worthless unless he loves God. The only thing that counts you see, is faith which works in Love.

Do you hear Father speaking to you? What is your reaction? Do you fear, or do you respond, in faith. Does his call excite you or do you dread it? Until you know that God is true to His word, you are useless in ministry. When you know God is true, is faithful, you will tremble at His Word and obey. This is the reality of the kingdom.

If you do not now tremble at His word, you will. Jesus is Lord. He is jealous and will allow none other that position. Seek you first His kingdom, and watch all things be added unto you. The moment He is the focus, the kingdom is your reality. If you are fighting fear today, repent unto the kingdom. The King rules all there.
You were created to glorify God in all you do and are.

Isa 66:5 Hear the word of the LORD, ye that tremble at his word; Your brethren that hated you, that cast you out for my name's sake, said, Let the LORD be glorified: but he shall appear to your joy, and they shall be ashamed.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Lost Keys

I have out buildings at my home which I keep locked. These buildings store tools which are used for maintenance on my property. Yesterday, I misplaced my keys to them. I searched all day for those keys. During my search I was unable to accomplish the things I wanted to get done on my property, because I could not access my tools and because my focus was on the search. Although the lost key ring had many keys on it, I really only needed to use one particular key yesterday to access my main shed.

The Kingdom of God is not a building nor is it an organization. The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy, in the Holy Spirit. The kingdom must be taken by force. Like my out building doors, there are spiritual doors that must be unlocked/forced open, to experience the fullness of the kingdom.

For these doors, Father has given the church "keys".

Sadly, the church has so mishandled the keys, that it has not been able to access, the tools of ministry that Father has provided. In a sense there are gifts, that have been locked in a shed.

A few decades ago in the 70's prophetic restoration, some of us in the church realized we did not have the keys to unlock some spiritual doors, that held back much of the blessing of God. We knew Christ had given the keys to the kingdom to His followers.

We therefore began to seek first His kingdom. But there were keys missing. So we searched for them.

To realize you do not have all you need is a good thing. Thank God! That is what I spoke of in the first article. I knew the church was lacking. I knew we were poor, wretched, pitiful, and blind, and needed to repent. We needed to repent unto the kingdom.

God has given us keys, to unlock the kingdom. We the church have lost/misplaced these keys. But God has begun to awaken us to the location of the keys. We now know we need everything Father has supplied to be successful in Him.

I found my keys right were I had left them . So will the church.

The church lost keys when it did not focus on what God had given. In that it made up new forms of government. An it lost even more of the keys to the kingdom! This is why it has little power. It has not power, for it does not have kingdom order.

First Key: Order (Kingdom Principal One)

It is possible to have some of the blessings of God and not be in order. But it is impossible not to be blessed, when we come into kingdom order.

Since the prophetic restoration to the church, passion for the Lord has been growing.
In this passion The church has become pregnant with the Lord. Sadly, the church has labored much, but she cannot deliver Jesus unto the world. This is because the order of the delivery must be righteous.

In kingdom order it is Righteousness, then peace, then joy.

Righteousness is first. Peace is the presence of the Holy Spirit. Joy is the birthing of Jesus.

Until the church repents unto the kingdom, it will continue to have breach births. The baby must be "turned right" to be delivered. All our joyful worship will not deliver the baby, until we are righteous. This means God's government must be established in the church.

The first key to unlock kingdom reality, is Righteousness.

A Proclamation of Purpose

About Twenty years ago I began to earnestly study the Kingdom of God. The more I looked at the scriptures the more I grew dissatisfied with the church. I knew there was no way that what was manifesting in church, was even remotely near what God had intended for His people. This created tension in my Church experience. A tension that grew until I was ostracised by my church family.

Yet I have found that, others like I, have seen the need for change as being paramount in this day. We need more God honor, and less Man control. As I see it, the religious institutional church with its media/missionary system, may be the worst enemy of God on the face of the earth. It, in having a form of Godliness, while denying His power, results in “church trust”, not God trust.

Since my initial revelation of "The Kingdom" I, as a Minster of this kingdom gospel, have endeavored, to bring people into “repentance unto the kingdom”. Simply stated: “ The Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy, in the Spirit.” I have heard many pulpiteers using the Kingdom and the Church inter-changeably. This is unfortunate. I will here in this blog with many articles, endeavor to explain the difference.

For twenty years I have proclaimed and explained the Kingdom of God. I believe that the church, is now in an unprecedented, time of transition unto the Kingdom. I have taught the need for this for a long time. Yet I find people who have known me in all that time, still have little understanding of the Kingdom, and mostly they just gravitate to church. Indeed these people criticize and oppose me.

I know The Church is necessary. God gave Her, the Keys to the Kingdom. But resistance to His Spirit's kingdom work of this day, is futile.

With this background giving impetus, I start this new blog:

The Emmaus Road Teacher Which I shortened to EmmausTeacher for purpose of ease of making an advertising sign.

I hope the words of Jesus, and His revelation to me/to you, will help you in the day of transition in which we now walk.

Kingdom Garry