Saturday, September 18, 2010

Seeking Truth

I've had some remarks about some of my articles from some of you. You are all free to express your opinions to me. I do not edit them, but keep them just for record.
I had one lady with an obvious Assembly of God, end times slant tell me what the abomination of desolation is. Of course there was no room in her opinion for other thinking.

Since there are many who now teach the end times in a similar fashion to mine, I would direct those of you who are brave enough to consider that your church's doctrine may need challenged, should look up two names on the Internet and study what they say.

If you are really seeking truth:

Bill Britain and Mark Hanby.

Amusement or Entertainment

An opinion:

God's people need times of release. The good times promoted by others through music or drama, or just friendships, and good works, in church or out, we can call entertainment. I think entertainment can be a needed diversion from the seriousness of living in this day. When I watch tennis or do something I consider entertaining, I am always aware of my circumstance, and that of the world around me. I just choose to focus on something else for a short while.

Amusement is something different. To amuse is to cause to lose focus on the true. Similar words are gape, idle, absorb thoughts. If I am being amused by some one, that one is in some way in charge of my mind. Amusement carries the sense of losing ones responsibility for a time. I want nothing to do with that.