Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Anointing

The power of the age to come, is coming to us. We have the Spirit of Jah this day living in us. We have an unction, an anointing that works in and through us. It is increasing to break the enemy.

There is a specific anointing for this season. We are in an extreme time and there is upheaval that is come upon us. We must fight the good fight of faith. Kingdoms are colliding. The battle of the ages rages ever greater. You must embrace the anointing to walk on into power.

The Lord will be strong in the things that he has called you to. He is with you. Fear not.

God's creation is crying out for the manifestation of the Sons of God. There is a difference between you and others. You have the Spirit. The Spirit is your source for emotional stability . The world will display less and less stability. The Spirit is the power of God in you.

The joy of the Lord is your strength. Rejoice in Him. Release worship today. The fast He desires is that you would obey. He desires you to seek Him, and separate yourself from they who do not. This is a season of impartation through the troubles of this life. Patience must have her perfect work.

The anointing shall break the yoke.

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