Friday, December 12, 2008

Present Judgment

Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision. JOEL 2:14)

In the present time of judgment in this land, the American financial institutions have been shaken. Sadly, there have been banker executive who have profited greatly from the bailout shake down by Bush and Congress. The need for a bailout speaks of the need for change in the financial workings of this nation. Judgment is meant to bring peoples into awareness that what they are doing is wrong.

The bailout negates this.

The ripple effect of the last twenty years of free-trade intoxication, and the blatant war mongering of Bush 2, has destroyed the economy of the US. Many Bush associates have gotten stinking rich from the wars, including Bush 1 and Cheney. This nation will not recover, by election, it will only recover by truth and repentance.

For the individual believer in Jah of this nation, the day has come to wake up and see that Jah, is requiring a change in all of this nation. The church will change or continue in the judgment of the "Boy Teachers". (Isa 3) Perpetually immaturity will mark the church lest it repent unto the Kingdom. The kingdom prophet must be heard.

The kingdom prophet is rejected because he is the smell of death to Churchanity. The Babylonian church closes its ranks and rejects anyone who preaches Kingdom truth.

Kingdom prophet, you do not know how many are in the valley of decision. You do not know how many would repent if they heard your message. Jah's heart is love. The melt down in this society is His love in action. He must open a door for your message. Everything that is not Him, in they who are called to His kingdom must fall.

The turmoil in your nation, is a reflection of the turmoil in your spirit. You are birthing something New. Your prayers are being released from the substance of your life. They may be desperate prayers, they may be doctrinal prayers, but trust that they are powerful to the tearing down of this Mammon stronghold in America, and the Baal stronghold in the church.

Jah's purpose is to bring many to Himself through this. I think it would be wrong to say He has done this thing. I think rather in judgment he gave us over to our own hearts, and the hubris of our leaders, both church and political have brought this thing upon the nation.

When Adam would not obey, he was ousted from his place of security. When the peoples of Noah's day would not hear, Jah let the rain sweep them away. In the trouble it is natural that we might say: "Deliver us from the trouble Lord".

But Jah's way is higher. He will deliver us through the trouble. Jesuah asked that the cup of man's sin might pass from him. Yet His resolve was to do the will of the Father. If Jah were to bail you out from this trouble, it would negate the deliverance planned.

"Now My soul is troubled, and what shall I say? “Father, save Me from this hour?” But for this purpose I came to this hour."

We too, must fulfill the purpose of the Father. Crises is the point of true understanding of the cost of your decision to follow and continue to follow Him. I cannot tell you that things are going to be better soon. This judgment is unto desolation, so that the righteous may arise and words of deliverance might be heard.

In my daily walk I often deal with young men and women who have been trusted with authority above their preparation and wisdom. This sickens me. This judgment, these young lads in leadership, has caused the rejection of the words of men and women who are far more seasoned and balanced. I see this at the Music store, in the Church Meeting, and in the Government.

Until the hearts of the young turn back to their fathers, they will steal their glory. But the scripture states very clearly that it is the father's first move. Only one who is broken can love these boy teachers who run toward the edge of a cliff shouting: "They'll do it their way."

Luk 1:17 And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.

Kingdom prophet, we who teach others, must hear the word of Elijah, and turn to our sons. They falter in many ways. They call on us and shift blame, and lay doubt, in fear. If you are not sure of what you are called to you, you might fall in despair as well in their crises. (Rom. 12:1-2)

My personal call is to bring order into the church, and to restore true praise/worship, which I never took away. The kingdom message is my only message. Every song sung, and every meeting led, is with that focus in mind. Jah's place is to use what He gave me to do and be, to bring about change. He is faithful and the Word will accomplish the task it has been sent to do.

As an archer preparing to shoot his arrow, so our lord shows us a target and them seems to pull us the arrow away from fulfilling our call. Fear not when this happens, for you are just about to be released for the ride of your life. There are many who need your word, to make their decision to follow on plausible.

What is your purpose Kingdom prophet?

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