Saturday, March 28, 2009

With One Word (Marion, IN specific)

I watched the movie “The Changeling.” The movie deals with a kidnapping and with a police leadership that misrepresents their work in solving the crime, and the true facts concerning a kidnapping. The police control the people’s thinking, through public relations people, who tell outright lies. The mother in the story would not believe the lies that were being told about her son’s kidnapping. The police even brought a substitute boy/supposed son to the mother, held a press conference and said the case was solved. The mother resisted.

The movie is very revealing concerning the tactics of deception that officials in government, and the police force employ to gain public favor.

The Changeling reminded me of the Seybold/Chronicle Tribune propensity, to lie about every thing that is wrong with the city. No doubt in their minds, they are just putting a "positive spin" on things. This is arrogance. They evidently don't believe we little weak-souled citizens can handle the things they know. The City is in deep trouble. Their solution is to sell manure and call it the finest edible food known to man. But, the people are figuring stinks.

Most of us know that our local government in Marion is one of the most corrupt that has ever been in control of this city. The police department in Marion has long been suspect of corruption. But this Mayor and City Council have left the police department far behind, when it comes to lies, misdirection, and corruption. (The documentation of this is here on this web)

Friday night and Saturday, I was in deep intercession for this city. My prayer partner and me were fighting principalities that rule this nation, and especially this city. The spirits we usually war against are Baal/Balaam/Jezebel, Mammon, Korah, Cain, and Python. This day we did not name the spirit but just spoke of Satan’s defeat, and Jah’s victory.

We know evil is widespread in our nation. We know that New World Order forces are at work nationally, and in our local government, and in the police. We also know that there is always a remnant of the righteous, and we believe this of our local government.

I believe that somewhere in our government there is a real Christian that is just as concerned about corruption, as are some of us citizens. I believe there are a few holy people left at IWU who know they took a wrong turn back around 1992 under Jim Barnes.

My prayer for both Marion and IWU, is not that Jah would destroy them, (their arrogance is great) but that a spirit of repentance would come and turn this city back to Jah’s purpose, and IWU would experience a real conversion to the Kingdom of God, and the Spirit of God.

In the end of the movie, the corrupt were shown for what they were, and that is what needs to happen here in Marion. When Governmental people turn back to Truth and Constitution, that is what I call Reformation. Reformation is what this city needs, and what this nation must have, to continue on. IWU really needs to lead the way in repentance. (Jew first, then the world) In the past the University was known as a Christian College and they need to return to that spirit. If they do, we will know for they will no longer promote themselves, but Jesus will be on their lips. If IWU would return to righteousness they would give example to the Mayor, and City Council to do the same. If the political leaders did not choose to repent, they could then be removed, for it is only IWU that keeps them in power anyway.

Our Constitutional Republic is all but lost. But we pray, and believe in a God that is so great, that He could bring this thing to a sudden stop with one word.

We His prophets have spoken it in earth. If it be Your Word for this hour, we know You will confirm it Lord!

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