Monday, March 23, 2009

Kingdom Understanding and Wisdom from David and Jerusalem

We are entering new territory in the advancement of kingdom. The church is becoming more of what it is, i.e. dead, lifeless, and self consumed. At the same time, The Kingdom is advancing as an option to man centered worship.

No matter how bad things look all around us, we know that Jah is Lord, and His kingdom will come and His will, must ultimately be done. (Jesus prayer will be answered...” Thy kingdom come”) Any, who will not bow to Jah, will be broken.

The written Word speaks of two opposite end times dimensions:

Dimension One: It will be a perilous time. 2 Tim 3:1
Dimension Two: It will be a time of renewal and restoration. Acts 3:21

There was a time in David’s life when the Jebusites ruled Jerusalem. Israel’s greatest heroes had not been able to unseat their place in Jerusalem. Not Joshua, the Judges, and not any leader had been able to cast them out of the city. They kept their place and scorned the people of Jah for their attempts to unseat them.

This is a lesson to us concerning taking our cities. The enemies of the kingdom scorn us. They hate us. They always try to discredit us. And they will not leave unless overcome.

The Jebusites word to David:

2 Sam. 5:6. 2Sa 5:6 And the king and his men went to Jerusalem unto the Jebusites, the inhabitants of the land: which spake unto David, saying, Except thou take away the blind and the lame, thou shalt not come in hither: thinking, David cannot come in hither. 2Sa 5:7 Nevertheless David took the strong hold of Zion: the same [is] the city of David.

They were inferring that the blind and the lame of the city would be able to turn David away.

David's Word to the Jebusites:

David Took the City!

When we go forward to take our cities for Jah, we can expect to be slandered and our strength will be minimized by the usurpers in our land. We face our own Jebusites!

When you move forward, expect the devil’s resistance. This attack may come from many different peoples and groups. You may be resisted by the political spirit, the religious church, the demonically empowered, and by your friends, family, acquaintances, and strangers.

These blind and lame people will stop us if we let them. Like in David's time and at the time of the rebuilding of the temple in Ezra's times, these men will use scorn and shame against us. They will attack the quality of our work and our right to speak out against them, the legitimacy of our call, and the motives of our efforts. They will cause even our own family members to be suspicious of us. Expect your family or church family to write you accusatory letters, to have family meetings about you behind your back, to directly and indirectly dishonor you in every way imaginable.

From your church family you can expect Joseph like betrayal from your brothers. Yet you will find the slavery the sell you to, also contains the opportunity for your promotion to your greatest place of rule.

This message is Jah’s warning to prepare now to be equipped for greater battle and to fight in a broader battle then you have ever previously warred.

The Devil is subtle in his attacks. His words to you will be to convince you to by-pass the cross and find an alternate destiny. He will offer easy provision for the false, against Jah’s call to press on to the “higher call”. It will take faith to hear Jah. Many voices will try to bring confusion. You have only one message.

The devil's tactic is not to from the front stop your call, but to offer you a lesser easier vision to Jah's. (All of your accusers who now are not with you took that path!)

“Repent, for the Kingdom is at Hand”, is your Word.

Never stray from it. Never take a lesser road, nor embrace a group with a lesser message.

This word guides us. The anointing we carry in our call from Jah and His baptizing Ruach, is a life giving Reality, to any whom would repent unto the kingdom.

If you have been given Jah’s Word do not back away from it! You may be the only one in your city with the kingdom word, but you are one with Jah. You are not at disadvantaged against the blind and the lame. Indeed you are their hope!

Remember, When the righteous rule, the people rejoice!

Pro 29:2 When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.

We are trusting that we will be experiencing the renewal and restoration of Jah in our days. We shall overcome, for Christ already did! Amen

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