Wednesday, March 11, 2009

God’s Province

We are in a time when the Lord is bringing together a people from many backgrounds and diverse traditions of worship. He is bringing them together in the Spirit first and in the days ahead we will see a joining one to another. This group is a people who are not comfortable with the church, as we know it today in America.

These people are beginning to find answers for their questions of; "Why they had to go through the things they went through?" They have long sought to answer the "why"!

As I said on the ERP blog: (click title)

“Nothing you have been through has been by chance. Jah is ordering your steps. Even when our lives seem to have come to naught, Jah is ordering our steps. He has many people moving toward a sure end. That sure end is to see the whole earth full of His glory.”

We are looking for Jah’s glorious appearing. As He comes to us and through us, He will work a great overturning of the evil that now works in the whorrish church and the political arena. Again from the Prophetic Blog:

“Jah is orchestrating your life kingdom prophet, and that of others. When He brings us into our place of His glory we will see that standing for the Kingdom, and not giving in to the religious overlords of our land will be worth it all.”

We must trust that Jah knows what we need and will orchestrate our lives to bring us to His perfect will for our lives.

Phl 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform [it] until the day of Jesus Christ:

In the midst of wars and rumors of war, government collusion, and an advancing New World Order, we must keep our faith focus on the goodness of Jah. We do not deny the evil. We overcome it! He will continue to take care of His people. Settle it in your heart. Your future may look bleak in the natural, but in the Spirit, it is assured. He will bring you to a good end.

When He brings us together with others of Kingdom understanding we will rejoice in His great grace!

In this hour and until we see His greater manifestation in the Earth, we abide in Him. The many things that pull on you are there to test, and even to pull you from His greater glory. Do not fall for the enmies fear tactics. The great attacks against your peace, should cause you to seek Jah more and more.

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