Monday, May 11, 2009

Somewhere You Have Not Been

"Let a person rejoice when he is confronted with obstacles, for it means that he has reached the end of some particular line of indifference or folly, and is now called upon to summon up all his energy and intelligence in order to extricate himself, and to find a better way; that the powers within him are crying out for greater freedom, for enlarged exercise and scope." James Allen

Are you at a place where your spirit man is crying out for the new greater dimension that Jah has promised? If so, then it is time for rejoicing. The Lord is giving to his prophetic minstrels in this time, a new warring tongue and song. When if in worship you feel an unusual unction from Jah, it will be important to express that so long as you are free to in the fellowship you attend.

If there is resistance to the new, your private prayer closet would be a good place to exercise Jah's new sound until he connect you with a people who are more open.

There are many who are being given a new sound, and they will eventually come together. Remember the obstacles are a sign that you are going somewhere you have not been.

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