Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Anointing Makes a Difference

There is something about me you might miss if you have a chance encounter. There is something about me you might also find in an encounter. Mostly you will find or miss this something, according to the condition of your heart.

A blind man might not easily discern how tall I am, if I were setting next to him talking with him. But if he touched me and felt the size I am he might soon understand.

Beloved the anointing that is upon me makes me different. The anointing that I carry both separates me from some, and endears me to others. The anointing both keeps me from sins, and points out the sin of many. The anointing I have is an active Holy Spirit who teaches me all things.

I am never at a disadvantage when I am with evil people, so long as the Holy Spirit has lead me to them. For He is active to teach and reveal all things. I have sat with crowds of people and felt their despair. I have also felt the joy of others who were rejoicing.

The anointing is a work of Jah’s Ruach-His Holy Spirit. He is active in my heart giving me something of Himself, that I might gain His insight and His power. I call it an unction. It is a knowing by the Spirit, and an empowering as well. Many save people do not operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. This is mostly because they often have been taught against Him and His gifts.

This blog deals with the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy, in the Holy Spirit. You cannot experience the Kingdom without the Holy Spirit’s involvement in your life.

Carnal and natural minded people fight the spiritually minded. It is impossible to know the deep truths of God without the Holy Spirit’s presence in your life.

Before you read this blog, you will need the Holy Spirit’s Baptism. Seek Him today. The next teaching I will write on this blog, will be the “How to”, of being baptized in the Holy Spirit.

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