Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Kingdom Church

"The Church that is established in the Kingdom, 'is not an external order of service, copyrights, or corporate statuses that can be governed by a system that demanded these things.' To operate 'Church, as a government knows it to be, is to build it in a way where government will provide.' However, there is no governmental sanction on 'the Kingdom's place in one's spirit, mind, and prophetic expression.' No one can imprison the Mind of Christ that is within you. Nothing in this world 'can stop you from becoming what the Father is.'" Undrai Fizer

We live each day in the art of becoming. The flesh is no match for the Spirit. Let the Spirit rule in your heart. Put away doubt and come out of confusion and believe.

His Word is true.

The Kingdom Church, is different from Churchanity. It is comprised of they who look to Jah as their God. They are not seduced by the trappings of performance based religion. They desire to please their Lord. They desire His presence over fame and fortune. If they are overlooked, or despised by the world, they rejoice, in that their treasure is not stored in man pleasing rewards. If they have success of note in this land, they turn it into praise unto the king. If they seen abandoned at times, they seek the Father's face. They do not look to men to be their answer.

Yet Jah does use men, to bring sustanance into our lives, for this life. It is good to be thankful.

We give honor to you mighty Jah. We thank you for your provision.

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