Thursday, April 23, 2009

Follow Me as I Follow Christ.

I was asked the other day if I was “in Church”. My mind exploded with these thoughts:

There is a whole bunch of stuff going on in this world that calls its self by the name of the Lord, that has little or nothing to do with true faith and relationship with God.

Many people, who are of the church, think that the church is “the answer”. I thought this for a while as a young Christian. However, as I was continually led by the Spirit of God to see the short comings, and hypocrisy of the church, I gained understanding that yet few have seen.

Christ is the answer. I am the church. You are the church, if you have laid down your life for Christ’s purpose, and embraced His truth.

Keith Green said: “Going to church does not make you a Christian anymore then going to Macdonald’s makes you a Big Mac”. True.

I once asked a man I thought of as a “Messianic Jew”, what he liked to be called. Did he like “Messianic Jew”, or what term should I use to show that he as a natural Jew had embraced Christ as Lord?

He said: “Repentant Sinner”. Good one!

I embrace the repentant as my brothers and sisters. Yet there is more. If we look at scripture with an open allegiance to Truth, we find that it is ”The Kingdom” that both John and Jesus’ message, required that we repent unto.

They never said: “Join the church!”

I have worked with churchmen broad and wide, and almost all of them embrace some form of Jesus, but few repent unto the kingdom. People, who embrace Jesus, without repentance unto the kingdom- in whatever form, tend to make church the focus of their lives. People who repent unto the kingdom embrace the Holy Spirit and He magnifies the Lord Jesus in their lives. Now both may meet at a building on a regular basis. But what goes on there will be as different as night and day.

This one fault-not repenting unto the kingdom- keeps the church powerless to cast out demons and keep them out. A man focused Church is not church at all. The Kingdom is about the Holy Spirit. He is where the righteousness, peace and Joy are found. He is the power of God manifest in this earth. When one repents unto the kingdom, churchanity seems foolish and even more than that, dangerous. Dangerous because in one degree or another, churchanity limits the rule of God. The kingdom is all about the rule of God.

Today’s differing expressions of churchanity have clearly set themselves up as judge of anything kingdom orientated. (Doctrines from the Rapture theory, kingdom now, to eternal security, and types and methods of baptisms, are places of great conflagration) We tend to judge each other along these lines. Many churches think if you are not at their fellowship or part of their denomination, you will go to hell. Pride is the main ingredient of this type of thinking. This is religion. I hate religion. I hate it if it is in you, and I hate it if it is in me. Religion is just and embracing of the demons of fear and pride in the heart. Churchanity is religion.

There are many forms of pride associated with the lie of churchanity. One is syncretism. It is, the mixing of man’s knowledge with the true gospel, which forms a whole other gospel. Most denominational churches are full of their own ideas about the truth of the bible. Something about “adding and taking away” comes to mind here. Most of us kingdom people, have a whole bunch of lies that we tend to hold dear to as well. All lies must go.

Church is full of Psychology these days. Psychology is not Truth. Anything that does not rest on the Truth of the Word, is not truth. There are many true things that are not in the bible. Psychology may know some of them. But truth’s nature is that it is fully true, and does not change. Truth has one other element. It is the Spirit of God. He is Truth. Of the true, what is true today, may not be true tomorrow. Of Truth, what is truth today, will be truth eternally. Psychology is not truth. Watered down easy-believism is not truth. The Spirit is God, and He is Truth. I have no battle with any who embrace the Spirit no matter how differing our doctrines may seem. Yet I cannot walk with all.

All churchmen need to be aware of a the danger of bringing other people together with you, for the purpose of embracing and following anything but the Truth of the Word of God. If your church is in error concerning the Lordship of Jesus, or the baptism of the Spirit, or deliverance from demons, and if you teach a man in that error, you will make him twice the son of hell. (as you are.. hmm..)

Paul said: “Follow me as I follow Christ.” God counsel that is.

Church friend, repentance is not a one-time confession of Christ, and then a constant effort to try to live right. Repentance is yielding one’s life to the true Christ. At that point He lives in you. Repentance is a continual embracing of Christ. That is what “repent unto the kingdom”, is all about. The only way one can continually yield to Christ is through the indwelling Holy Spirit. Without the Spirit of Jah, you are none of His.

If a church group is more committed to its dogma, its hymns, its traditions, than to the Truth of the Word, they will become Spiritual Babylon. Spiritual Babylon is: “Any place in the heart of man, where they agree together for some form of earthly gain.” This is where most churchmen gather. They want to make a name for themselves. They want fleshly gain by being part of the group. This always leads to a necessary pecking order, and honor not of whom it is due, but to whom ever best follows the group rules or pleases the leaders flesh.

To follow Christ is far different.

Kingdom people are the juxtaposition of churchanity. They are purposed to make Jesus known. The only rule they follow, is the rule of the Lord. They follow others who follow Christ. They do not commit themselves to coming to church, but rather they commit to being truth. If they are involved in church, they will probably be the most faithful attendees. But they know that, sometimes, church attendance has little to do with being Spiritual.

Kingdom people embrace each day as a chance to experience God. They are, hungry to hear from God. They do not want to plan their day until they have been with Jesus. They are filled with the Spirit of Jesus. They want intimacy with Him above all else. Their main focus is not evangelism, as important as it may be. Their main focus is, worshiping the King, and bringing Him honor. They do not care if church folks commend or condemn them. They don’t live in that earth realm confusion. They look for one glance, from the Christ, one embrace of His Spirit, and one word from Him. They know one word from God will give more clarity to life, then ten thousand pious sermons.

Kingdom preachers do not stand before congregations and tell their people how lovely they are today, to get bigger offerings. Kingdom preachers stand and proclaim the kingdom. Their only message is repent unto the kingdom, embrace the Spirit!. They do not preach their own righteousness but Christ’s. Not their goodness but Christ’s!

Kingdom people are the only ones who can bring lasting deliverance to the bound. When Jesus cast out demons by the Spirit of God, we could then know that the kingdom was come. This is the kingdom Jesus and John said to repent unto. Some still trapped in churchanity try to deliver others. This is futility! It is a culdesac, a viscous circle.

Kingdom is my life.

When I closed my work on 35th St. it was after an almost total betrayal against my ministry by the people of that work. First the Lord told me they had “rejected my message”. (Yes, He talks to me) Then He said, they had “rejected me”. At that point I agreed to sell the building. The rejection of most of my family really proceeded this. In fact few of them ever honored me.

There has been no repentance or admitting of guilt by those who did this evil. But they have accused me night and day. It is for this reason, I no longer hang with the earthly family or former church associates. And that will we be more so soon. So now, it does not matter that my family-whom I love greatly-have rejected me, and my message. They did not really reject me, but He who sent me. I have one Father, and He lives in my heart. My mother and brothers are they whom do His will. His will is to repent unto the kingdom.

I really don’t like to write letters such as this. I am not comfortable causing others distress even though it be
at the hand of the true and truth. But I’d rather tell the truth, then to see religious judges go on in their sin of judgment with unrepentant hearts, all the while thinking that my Lord is condoning their actions. I write this letter to let you know that I no longer and have not for some years now, considered myself to be part of any religion and now not even of the Vermilion Family. I am a citizen of the kingdom. My loyalties are with God who I now sometimes call “Jah and Jehovah”. My brothers and sisters are they, which do His will. A few of you may be part of my new family too.

The embracing of the Message of “repent unto the kingdom”, is all that separates us. Because it is the point of entry into another kingdom. In The Kingdom of God, we all are repentant sinners, and He is our only purpose. In that He lifts us out of the miry clay, and He is the point of everything, and let all glory be unto Him. And if I gain any praise, let it go to Calvary! Calvary is where the accusations of the accuser go as well.

May you know Him as Lord, healer, and deliverer, mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace.

In all my stand for the Kingdom, I do not intentionally reject any who believe, yet do not embrace what I here proclaim. But I do not walk with those who reject my message or me either. They are on another track and I hope it is of God, and maybe it will lead to the kingdom message. Yet there is only one way for me. I stand on many infallible truths. I have been more betrayed, and seen Christ more betrayed by those who call themselves “Christian”, then by Pagans. Deliverance from demons and lie is always the point of departure.

Let God be true and all men…..

Obviously if you do not think I follow Jah, you will not be able to be with me. So be it.

For His Glory
Repentant Sinner

Garry Ben Jesus

From the Word:
Rom 8:9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.
Amo 3:3 Can two walk together, except they be agreed?
Rom 14:17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
Mat 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

From religious tradition:

First Demon 1:9 If I confess my goodness, I can be assured that God helps those who help themselves.
Jaded 3:16 For God so loved the church that anything we want to do is OK, fine.
Huberis 12:1&2 Submit your selves to leadership and let them rule over you, and control your minds, and do not think anything different then any one else, and you will have no big fights among the church folks.
Galacitica 4: 11 Cast out the kingdom preacher and his son, and strife will cease.

Am I in Church? Brother, I am the real church! The heir of Salvation, the apple of His eye, the true and the faithful, the redeemed the blood bought, the redeemed, the righteous seed, the redeemed, the beloved of Jah. I am right now seated in heavenly places. I am sealed by the Spirit, washed in the blood, brought back from death, and in all of these things I am more than a conqueror. Yet I glory only in the cross. I am hidden in the back room of His temple. I am covered by His glory. He is everything to me! If I am good it is not my own, but His. If I am Holy, it is His holiness that I live in.

If you wondered, about me, maybe equity would lead you to check your own pedigree.

Have you been filled with the Spirit? Lately?

Some who read this might say:

“You just say these things because you were wounded by the church.”

Brother, I was not just wounded, I was crucified by them…laid in a carriage and taken to my burial. But it is the best thing that has ever happened to me! For now I am kingdom. Now I am free.

I won’t ever be tempted again to go with the “bondwoman ministries”, which I see in action almost everywhere. But that may be a whole other letter.

1 comment:

Revolution said...

Rishi Singh did not get it.