Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Why Does the Lord Tarry?

What are the causes of the Lord’s delay in summing up all things in Him self, and the full manifestation of the kingdom?

I. Spirits and Heresies:
A. There are two great spirits that must be overcome in this day. They are Baal/Jezebel and Mammon.

B. There are three spirits as frogs that must be cast out of the church. They are Balaam, Korah, and Cain.

1. Balaam: Compromising Jah’s message to gain money.

2. Korah: Exalting a lesser or false anointing and offering it as a substitute for the called “set ministry”.

3. Cain: The brother killing spirit.

C. There are two great heresies that are keeping the church from moving on into kingdom power. They both are centered on a perversion of truth. In fact they pervert the very truths which are absolutely needed for advancement by the church into a greater dimension of power in the earth. They are:

1. An unbalanced teaching about prosperity. Often mostly lie.
a. Teaching about prosperity: Miss-information about possession and use of money is a major cause of powerlessness in the church. “Gainsaying”
b. We have been inundated by the lies of evil men who have used television as a way to seduce the church out of its inheritance.
2. The lie of the rapture taking us out of here and us going off to a never-never land in heaven.
a. To not believe this lie has kept the greatest prophetic voice the world has ever heard from off the airways of Church TV.
b. Kingdom people have been withheld access to TBN, CBN, and all denomination TV outlets.

II. From where is their power derived, and what is their remedy?

A. The thing that keeps these doctrines and demons in power, is the utter pride in which men hold these doctrines, and the total bewitching which has come as a result of the lies that are propagated by them.
B. Denominationalism is the necessary governmental facilitator of, and instilled as, an outflow of man-centered church.

III. The answer for our dilemma is to repent unto the kingdom.
A. In the kingdom is order patterned after the tabernacle and temple.
B. In the kingdom is freedom in the Spirit, indeed it is righteousness, peace, and joy, in the Spirit.
C. If we would repent unto the kingdom (do it Jah’s way) we would see the full manifestation of the Spirit of Jah on the earth.

For more teaching on this go to:, or click on the above title, which will lead you to:

"Revealing Jah's End Time Prophetic Plan, Restoration, His KINGDOM MANDATE; The Manifesting of The Sons of Jah and Through Them, Jahshuwah's Victory Over The Kingdom of Darkness."

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