Saturday, January 10, 2009

On the Way to Destiny:

Part One: Moving to the place where divine purpose defines our day:

The comfort zone and the familiar may be the very thing that is delaying your destiny. When we are comfortable in a certain environment we often quit believing for our destiny.

Jah’s call is high and greater…not less. He has given you a purpose that contains a destination that can only be reached by faith. We often fall back into the familiar of what we are good at when we go through testing times. In that we disqualify ourselves from reaching His higher place.

Jah has built into your life a lack. You cannot fulfill your call without divine enabling. Self-trust, may help us to get by, but will not help us to fulfill our call.

A clear understanding of our call, and a vision to match, are the dynamics that will propel us forward against the lack we experience on the way. Options to your vision are false visions. If you are called to feed the poor in your community, and are offered a traveling job, how will you fulfill the vision? You must decide if the traveling job is what Jah is leading into to prepare you for the true vision. To take a wrong turn now would be disaster.

If you are not sure of your call and your steps, you will open your own heart to many options. Let all you do, be done unto Him, in His call, for His glory.

Part Two: (Coming soon) Write the vision, make it plain.

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