Saturday, January 17, 2009

A new Mantel in a new Anointing uncovered

Word of Wisdom:

"Jah has called you to take up the mantle of your fallen Father. The Lord is saying that many who would have become kingdom saints have failed to press on through the hardship of these days of testing, and have made agreements with Baal and Mammon which has disqualified them future kingdom work.

He will give these mantles to they that believe for them. With the mantle Jah will supply the provision for prosperity and fruitfulness in that call. The anointing to excel will be rediscovered in your life kingdom prophet. It never left but has been dormant during the days which are now passing. As I withdrew you from my body, I did so in judgment to their foolishness.

Their boy princes are failing them.

This fickle people will return to me, but if they do not repent unto my kingdom, they will not know me or my ways."

Order Which Brings Power:

Background: Mark Hanby has defined the order of a ministry that Jah will bless and manifest himself in.

It includes the four following elements which I will give my slant on:

1) Father and son order:

Fathering in ministry is especially grievous to the yuppie church of today. We have boy teachers running almost everything ministry. The problem with this is that these boys actually believe they are God’s answer for the change that everyone in the spirit church knows needs to happen.

The problem is that most of these men do not have a legitimate right to church ministry.

Father and son order is easy to understand just by listening to the words of Jesus:

Jesus did nothing that he did not see His father doing.

2) Set Ministry:

In Jah’s order you will find that he gives one man a “ministry call and vision”. That call may include the ministries of many fivefold called ministers. But one man holds the outline, the vision, that is to be worked out through the ministries of many. This vision is called the set ministry vision. The eldership raised up to work this vision out must be in continual relationship with the set minister and submitted to his vision.

This does not mean that the set minister Lord’s anything over the others in eldership. His one distinction from them is that he has the vision for the work.

Division in the church is nothing more then men trying to work two agenda’s in one fellowship.

3) Proper vision:

Our Lord has a unique call for every church and every ministry that he calls into being. Any ministry that copies another’s call or purpose as a formula, is not going to produce the results the Lord would call a ministry to. In fact, formula ministry is more akin to witchcraft then faith.

Many a man has set out to bring forth a work for God. Many a man has failed. If our ministry vision is copied from a man pattern, the ministry will eventually kill the vision holder. The church is full of copied ministries. Therefore, the church of this day is anemic. It has no strength of Spirit. It is full of sameness, and powerless religion.

If we are to have a powerful church it must be patterned after the Lord’s heavenly pattern. The only one fit to copy, is God. God is the only one who calls anyone to ministry. God calls, Men confirm.

4. Confirmation: Without an earthly father in ministry one will never have what it takes to be successful in ministry. Wise men recognize God’s call on a life and confirm it. Men confirm and accept ministry Jah has called. If you do not have a ministry call from Jah you need to do something else with your life.

An understanding of the Corporate Body: Without connection to the corporate body, a ministry will grow inward and become self absorbed. We must always be open to seek out others who Jah has called in other areas, and keep an outward focus. We are called to witness to nations. No man is given an all encompassing vision for the whole of the earth. That is shared by all they who have become priests who carry Jah's glory. The closer we get to Jah, the less we promote self.

Anointing Will Break Yokes: You will find the mantle of the fathers, as new anointing flows on the body clothed in righteousness. Yokes will be broken.

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