Saturday, September 20, 2008

Thy Kingdom Come

1Th 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

I invite all believers to examine what and why they believe what they believe. In doing so, some may find that they caught their beliefs much as a man catches a cold, through contact with whoever might have been passing by.

Seek truth. Know truth. The wise man believes truth, that is to say the Word of God. They believe both the Logos and the Rhema.

Biblical believers should keep an open allegiance to truth. They should always be willing to understand more from God’s word. This is the seeking heart. And when they have revelation and understand new truth, they should be openly committed to its precepts. This is the knowing heart. The minute you stop seeking greater revelation from His Word, the minute you have all you need and have no desire for more, you begin to die spiritually.

Denominations tend to try to get people to think alike about scripture. They shun people who do not hold their held doctrines as scripture. This is foolish. Many of these doctrines, which have been passed down from church elders, are not Truth. To say they have found all you need to know and you need to look no further is the epitome of hubris.

There is Truth in the Word. The bible is God’s Word written down. I believe it was inspired of God and expressed His will for man, in its original context. When studying the bible, in our search for truth, there is a need to understand how the words in the text were used historical. But once you’ve gone through all the work of properly understanding the words in historic common usage, you still must leave room for God to speak from that written word and to tell you things that the written word may not fully say. At that point you may be forced to choose between church and Truth. Choose Truth! A true repentance unto the kingdom, includes a repentance from the traditions of Religion.

Indeed, the one, who repents unto the kingdom of God, may find immediate enmity between themselves and their church group. The group may miss-judge you and try to put you in a position of bondage to their opinions. They may even associate you with cultic “kingdom groups”. This is the way of Religion. Religion honors the God of the past and denies the God of now. The devil is an accuser. He points a finger to cause men to doubt truth.

God’s finger has quite a different affect. It is His Spirit. When the finger of God casts out demons, you know the kingdom has come. When men hear the truth, and God exposes a demonic presence, they must make a choice. The choice is to repent unto the kingdom and receive their deliverance or to go back into religion.

Only those who follow on with Jesus are fit for the kingdom. The kingdom is found, where His will is done. The kingdom is your future. It is where the king resides and rules. It may be found in the local church. But it may just as well be found at the corner coffee shop or pub. If you have repented unto the kingdom, it is where you are. When you come, His kingdom comes. Demons will always react to a kingdom person. The demonic will be delivered or eventually flee. Satan is lie. Jesus is truth.

Dan 7:18 But the saints of the most High shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom for ever, even for ever and ever.

Mat 6:10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as [it is] in heaven.

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