Friday, September 19, 2008

The One Who Trembles

The kingdom is found in the place, and at the moment in time, where people come into what they were created for. Each life has a purpose ordained of God. Each person carries with them an anointing to live out their lives to honor God. But men choose evil. Men chose their own ways.

The bible and the rest of human history are full of men who decided to walk apart from God’s will. One man is called by God to pastor. One to work at digging holes. Some are designed with a mathematical aptitude, while others with art and musical abilities. All men are given abilities uniquely for their lives and ministries, and this is of God.

Of course not all men apply what they are given, to their lives. Some even good church folks say: “ I just want to live a good life, and not be bothered by service to God…but go to heaven.” This will not happen.

The Lord requires all of life to be lived in fellowship with Him. This is so that His life would continually flow to you and through you. This will cause you to automatically fulfill your purpose in God.

I know people who have what is called by most a “good job”. This means they make "good money". Many of them go to a "good" church. They are thought of highly in their comminutes. But they are dead spiritually. Their god is their belly. Men praise them for what they do. But they do not know, that God’s call was so much higher. Church is pleased with these men. They may be great financial givers. But their hearts are far from God.

God is looking for someone who trembles at His Word. The one who trembles, the one who respectfully fears God, is the one who pleases Him. A man who fears God, is a man who has learned that all He does for God, is worthless unless he loves God. The only thing that counts you see, is faith which works in Love.

Do you hear Father speaking to you? What is your reaction? Do you fear, or do you respond, in faith. Does his call excite you or do you dread it? Until you know that God is true to His word, you are useless in ministry. When you know God is true, is faithful, you will tremble at His Word and obey. This is the reality of the kingdom.

If you do not now tremble at His word, you will. Jesus is Lord. He is jealous and will allow none other that position. Seek you first His kingdom, and watch all things be added unto you. The moment He is the focus, the kingdom is your reality. If you are fighting fear today, repent unto the kingdom. The King rules all there.
You were created to glorify God in all you do and are.

Isa 66:5 Hear the word of the LORD, ye that tremble at his word; Your brethren that hated you, that cast you out for my name's sake, said, Let the LORD be glorified: but he shall appear to your joy, and they shall be ashamed.

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