Monday, September 15, 2008

Lost Keys

I have out buildings at my home which I keep locked. These buildings store tools which are used for maintenance on my property. Yesterday, I misplaced my keys to them. I searched all day for those keys. During my search I was unable to accomplish the things I wanted to get done on my property, because I could not access my tools and because my focus was on the search. Although the lost key ring had many keys on it, I really only needed to use one particular key yesterday to access my main shed.

The Kingdom of God is not a building nor is it an organization. The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy, in the Holy Spirit. The kingdom must be taken by force. Like my out building doors, there are spiritual doors that must be unlocked/forced open, to experience the fullness of the kingdom.

For these doors, Father has given the church "keys".

Sadly, the church has so mishandled the keys, that it has not been able to access, the tools of ministry that Father has provided. In a sense there are gifts, that have been locked in a shed.

A few decades ago in the 70's prophetic restoration, some of us in the church realized we did not have the keys to unlock some spiritual doors, that held back much of the blessing of God. We knew Christ had given the keys to the kingdom to His followers.

We therefore began to seek first His kingdom. But there were keys missing. So we searched for them.

To realize you do not have all you need is a good thing. Thank God! That is what I spoke of in the first article. I knew the church was lacking. I knew we were poor, wretched, pitiful, and blind, and needed to repent. We needed to repent unto the kingdom.

God has given us keys, to unlock the kingdom. We the church have lost/misplaced these keys. But God has begun to awaken us to the location of the keys. We now know we need everything Father has supplied to be successful in Him.

I found my keys right were I had left them . So will the church.

The church lost keys when it did not focus on what God had given. In that it made up new forms of government. An it lost even more of the keys to the kingdom! This is why it has little power. It has not power, for it does not have kingdom order.

First Key: Order (Kingdom Principal One)

It is possible to have some of the blessings of God and not be in order. But it is impossible not to be blessed, when we come into kingdom order.

Since the prophetic restoration to the church, passion for the Lord has been growing.
In this passion The church has become pregnant with the Lord. Sadly, the church has labored much, but she cannot deliver Jesus unto the world. This is because the order of the delivery must be righteous.

In kingdom order it is Righteousness, then peace, then joy.

Righteousness is first. Peace is the presence of the Holy Spirit. Joy is the birthing of Jesus.

Until the church repents unto the kingdom, it will continue to have breach births. The baby must be "turned right" to be delivered. All our joyful worship will not deliver the baby, until we are righteous. This means God's government must be established in the church.

The first key to unlock kingdom reality, is Righteousness.

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