Sunday, December 13, 2009


Third world hunger has long been a place were those who were able to give, need to place their charity. We are seeing an alarming rise in hunger in the USA. Larry Jones ministries has long worked to stomp out this evil.

To give to Larry Jones may be to feed your neighbor, or yourself in the days ahead. To give to the poor of other countries is to honor the example of Christ who fed the crowd with a few fishes.

There is plenty of food, to feed the world. Distribution, and release of it is the problem. The globalist elite do not want the world fed, and they work against those who attempt to feed the hungry. Distribution is expensive.

When I pray concerning famine I see a wicked looking hooded figure holding back the food, and I see a starving emaciated woman laying on the ground starving.

There are many things to be considered concerning feeding other nations, including their political system. Making evil men stronger is not a goal of any of us, but should the hungry people be punished for evil leaders? This is a real question. I am most motivated to give, where the leadership is attempting to resist global control, and where they are heading their nations toward freedom.

I recently ask the Lord where I should give my financial gifts since only those who physically walk with me give to me. It was then that I again thought of the hungry.

I exhort you to ask Jah what he would have you do concerning the hungry.

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