Monday, December 7, 2009

2003 to Today

2003 was a particularly rough year for many in the prophetic community. It was that year that brought a great divide. Amos 3:3 may have been the primary scripture verse for that year. The divide that came that year sent many away from the lives of the true sons of Jah. It is interesting to note that, that divide, was first a separation of the traditional from the Prophetic and Apostolic.

The divide did not stop there. Indeed it continued on and now has spread into the evangelicals. They have been experiencing many betrayals, which have caused separation; this separation is a separation of the spiritual from the religious, this mostly in the last two years in evangelical circles.

The separations are usually the result of some offense, and rarely are they just agreement by brothers, to go different paths. They usually contain betrayal by one party or the other.

I do believe in the long run, the judgment that we have known since 2003, will be good for the Spiritual.

As is always the case, with Jesus’ correction in His body the pain has purpose. In deed our Lord cannot use men who will not be delivered from the enemies lies. The Mark of the Beast we see in most of the church is powerlessness, reasoning, and dead works. This powerlessness is symbolized by the mark men take in their Forehead/mind and Hand/works.

Kingdom Prophet, let our works be fruitful unto the Kingdom!

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