Francis Frangipane has written:
"To reveal Jesus through obedience to what He taught is to bring the life of His kingdom into our world. As we return to the simple "purity of devotion to Christ" (2 Cor. 11:3 we will find the most powerful manifestations of the Lord Jesus awaiting us."
We know that the teachings of Jesus are key to seeing a change in the church. Men have focused on Paul, and Old Testament truths. All these are good, but lets us not forget to teach the central truth of the whole book, which is Christ crucified, and risen on the third day.
"The Lord alone will be exalted in that day." - Isaiah 2:11
We need the power of His presence in our day! Amidst the backdrop of all the evil of our day, the cross still is the answer!. Embrace it today, and in that embracing you will receive power from on high.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The Word, the Blood, and the Spirit
Psychology is a study of the Psyche or mind. What is there in the mind apart from God that will save a soul?
The Word of Jah, activated by the Spirit of Jah in your life is your salvation. There is no salvation in studying, the fallen mind of man. In fact study of the mind will often leave the student confused. People have said I am anti-Psychology. In fact I am more pro-Truth. Every doctrine must be held to the measure of the Word of God. Every one.
The blood of Jesus has made the way for our salvation.
Psychologists may say some true things through their investigation of the mind. However only Truth can set the man free! The Holy Spirit of Jah is the source of all Truth.
Praise Jah!
There is only one way!
The Word of Jah, activated by the Spirit of Jah in your life is your salvation. There is no salvation in studying, the fallen mind of man. In fact study of the mind will often leave the student confused. People have said I am anti-Psychology. In fact I am more pro-Truth. Every doctrine must be held to the measure of the Word of God. Every one.
The blood of Jesus has made the way for our salvation.
Psychologists may say some true things through their investigation of the mind. However only Truth can set the man free! The Holy Spirit of Jah is the source of all Truth.
Praise Jah!
There is only one way!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Another Gospel
There are constants and variables in kingdom truth. That which is constant never changes. Variables can be true but change situational. If we preach a variable as a constant we have heresy. If we preach a constant as a variable, we will create confusion. Heresy is literally another gospel.
There is a malady among the religious folk who elevate psychology to the level of gospel truth. It is delusion caused by heresy. This delusion has spread into the world from churches all over this nation. This malady which is spiritual blindness, is rampant in the American Church.
Any church that preaches Psychology as Gospel is deceived. If the blind lead the blind, how will they keep from falling in the ditch?
Psychology is not a constant!
There is a malady among the religious folk who elevate psychology to the level of gospel truth. It is delusion caused by heresy. This delusion has spread into the world from churches all over this nation. This malady which is spiritual blindness, is rampant in the American Church.
Any church that preaches Psychology as Gospel is deceived. If the blind lead the blind, how will they keep from falling in the ditch?
Psychology is not a constant!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
The Portal
When you first come to Jesus he accepts you where you are, and accelerates His work in your life. This through the word taught, and caught in the life of the new believer. You start as a babe.
Babies are hungry. But that hunger must not stop! For there also comes a time when you need the fullness of His Holy Spirit. This is mandatory, not optional as some teach. When you are a Spirit filled believer you will come to a point when you know that there is more yet. So you search for that gate.
There is a portal that changes the life of a kingdom man. A portal you travel through into the next dimension of Life. It is like unto the one David passed through and saw the crucified Christ. God adopted His temple as the one to restore in this last days, because he was a man after God's own heart. David remained hungry for God through out His life.
The faith atmosphere you create around you, is the only one which will open your portal to the eternity of God. Through that portal, David pinned the following Psalm.
Psa 110:1 [[A Psalm of David.]] The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.
Psa 110:2 The LORD shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion: rule thou in the midst of thine enemies.
Psa 110:3 Thy people [shall be] willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: thou hast the dew of thy youth.
Psa 110:4 The LORD hath sworn, and will not repent, Thou [art] a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek.
Psa 110:5 The Lord at thy right hand shall strike through kings in the day of his wrath.
Psa 110:6 He shall judge among the heathen, he shall fill [the places] with the dead bodies; he shall wound the heads over many countries.
Psa 110:7 He shall drink of the brook in the way: therefore shall he lift up the head.
Babies are hungry. But that hunger must not stop! For there also comes a time when you need the fullness of His Holy Spirit. This is mandatory, not optional as some teach. When you are a Spirit filled believer you will come to a point when you know that there is more yet. So you search for that gate.
There is a portal that changes the life of a kingdom man. A portal you travel through into the next dimension of Life. It is like unto the one David passed through and saw the crucified Christ. God adopted His temple as the one to restore in this last days, because he was a man after God's own heart. David remained hungry for God through out His life.
The faith atmosphere you create around you, is the only one which will open your portal to the eternity of God. Through that portal, David pinned the following Psalm.
Psa 110:1 [[A Psalm of David.]] The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.
Psa 110:2 The LORD shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion: rule thou in the midst of thine enemies.
Psa 110:3 Thy people [shall be] willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: thou hast the dew of thy youth.
Psa 110:4 The LORD hath sworn, and will not repent, Thou [art] a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek.
Psa 110:5 The Lord at thy right hand shall strike through kings in the day of his wrath.
Psa 110:6 He shall judge among the heathen, he shall fill [the places] with the dead bodies; he shall wound the heads over many countries.
Psa 110:7 He shall drink of the brook in the way: therefore shall he lift up the head.
Remain Teachable
One of the great sins of the religious is presumption. The religious person operates in what they believe to be true, and often will not even consider other opposing words. We must remain teachable if we expect to have a proceeding word of truth to guide us in this hour.
We ask you Lord to try our hearts and see if there be any way in us that is not Holy.
Your Word is Truth.
We ask you Lord to try our hearts and see if there be any way in us that is not Holy.
Your Word is Truth.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Concerning a Saving Trust in Pschology
“There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death” Proverbs 14:12
Truly: God gave us in His Word all the truth we need for our salvation.
“all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue” (2 Peter 1:3).
Any who elevate Psychology to the same level as the Word are in definite do do.
Psychology is a man attempt to understand in His own mind. This truth is what Jah has already revealed concerning man, in His Word. Psychology, is another Gospel when held equal with the word.
Gal 1:8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
Psychology is one of the cities of Babylon, in the region of human reasoning.
The problem we see in modern man holding up his own reasoning's as equal with the written word of Jah is the theology of Aquinas. He thought man's will was fallen but not his intellect. Since then men have been holding up fallen human reasoning as capable of setting souls free. We need the mind of Christ, not superhuman thinking.
Truly: God gave us in His Word all the truth we need for our salvation.
“all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue” (2 Peter 1:3).
Any who elevate Psychology to the same level as the Word are in definite do do.
Psychology is a man attempt to understand in His own mind. This truth is what Jah has already revealed concerning man, in His Word. Psychology, is another Gospel when held equal with the word.
Gal 1:8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
Psychology is one of the cities of Babylon, in the region of human reasoning.
The problem we see in modern man holding up his own reasoning's as equal with the written word of Jah is the theology of Aquinas. He thought man's will was fallen but not his intellect. Since then men have been holding up fallen human reasoning as capable of setting souls free. We need the mind of Christ, not superhuman thinking.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Leaving Babylon
The nation is rocking in political unrest. There has never before been a time when so many of this Nation’s citizens were so angry with those in charge. Obama offered change. He has only changed things for the worse. Godless politicians have no answer for America’s problems. This nation has been affected greatly by moral relativism, and an abandonment of absolutes in this land. Therefore, this nation has fallen from its wealth, and will never be the greatest nation on earth again, unless it returns to the God that made it great.
The spiritual climate in America’s churches is also desperate and soon will be more stormy then ever. There must be changes in the church system. Church as done in North America is whorish. We have left our first estate. The church and institutions that were birthed by it, have become part of an oppressive system that heals no one, and empowers only those who are willing to pay its price of tuition, which is conformity to "man think". The institutional church is nothing different than Babylon the great of biblical days. The institutional church has taught men to trust in Mammon's system rather than Jah's.
Everyone lives according to a set of beliefs. Your beliefs can be righteous or evil. There are two kingdoms that exist on this earth. They are the kingdom of Jah, and the kingdom of Mammon. Everything you believe, and everything you do, is a witness of what kingdom you embrace. Sometimes what people speak is a true evidence of the kingdom they embrace. But some honor one kingdom with their mouths, while denying it with their lives.
You must discern what kingdom you are a part of. There is one main evidence of being part of the kingdom of the righteous that you can know. He is the witness of life. He is the Holy Spirit. We are always thankful for the gift of the Father, who is Jesus Christ our savior and Lord. We know Him through the Word, and the Spirit. The written word must be activated by the Holy Spirit. Without the spirit of Jah we are none of His.
Yet in this hour of apostasy there is a cry being heralded. It is: “Where is Jah in the calamity of our days?” Some in the church have finally begun to confess that the church is a failed system. Thank Jah! Some of us have come out of her and waited for Jah’s next instruction. Some have been out for a long time, and they have been given instruction and teaching for those who have only recently realized the failure of the institutional church.
I am such a one. One, who as the son’s of Issachar, understand the times in which I live, and have wisdom to share. The reason people are beginning to wake up is that they have longed for the experiences portrayed in the book of Acts, and feel it has been promised to them, but they live with a different reality. That reality is a powerless sickly anemic faith, which is changing nothing. It is being lived out amidst covenant-less relationships, and always contradicts the promises in the word for this day.
Sadly some TV money hucksters have taken advantage of this Spiritless church, and robbed her of her monies. They hold themselves up as being successful as Christians in this day, but many of them are really just slick tongued devils, who endlessly find a new formula for the poor, and the fearful, who watch them to follow. Believe me, I have given to them, and in all the years of giving have only seen one blessing come from all the giving. In Jah, giving back to me for that giving, I feel Jah, honored my faith, not their work, or methods.
If you agree with what I am writing here, you surely have the same question most would. What do we do?
First I must show you where you are spiritually, then I will show you how to get back.
You are in Babylon the great. She is a great whore and she sits over many peoples. She is the system Mammon uses to control the nations. She is working in your church to keep peoples program oriented. She is working in your home to undermine spiritual authority, especially when the father is in the home. She is working to get fathers to leave their children before they are grown. She is breaking the economy so that families will be broken through dislocation, or poverty. She is the one who offers you education for jobs, that will disappear by the time you are finished with your studies.
Mammon’s work against this nation, employs the work of many demons or principalities. Before we name them let us understand this: The devil always works through lies. When we allow lies to grow in our minds, we slide into delusion. Jezebel is the most entrenched demon in American thinking. In fact she is the principal demon that works out the will of the one other god, who is Mammon.
Mat 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
Jezebel who is the female form of Baal, works to bring male leadership to destruction. She has an enabler, who is by name, the “Ahab” demon. This demon works in a male to subvert his ability to lead, and produce. America’s society, is ever more stacked against men, who love Jah. In this hour in which we live, Jezebel offers men diversions to their call. Our Mammon controlled society is a willing participant in the undermining of male authority by Jezebel and Ahab. Men are offered diversion to their call through readily available pornography, possessions, and sports. The more men’s hearts are turned toward these temptations, the more entrenched in their minds Jezebelian thinking gets. Her ultimate goal is that men become subservient to woman. Mammon’s use of this demon, is so that there can be no leadership by men to bring people to worship Jah.
Jezebel is most active in the prophetic church. (I really don’t believe churches that are not prophetic are actually of Jah) She is active, and employs words to bring her stings of witchcraft to men to paralyze them. Accusation is one of Jezebel’s great tools against the righteous male. How oft have Jah’s plan for ministry been cut off, by the accusations, and intimidation of one person? I speak of a person who allows Jezebel to use them, and then to bewitch most of a congregation to stand against Jah’s set minister? Yet even the prophetic church often does not recognize her work, and falls prey to her schemes. Time and time again, even when some learn from past mistakes, Jezebel takes a new generation, and uses them against those who have been given watch over their souls.
We in the prophetic and apostolic church have long warred against this principality. But what we did not know is she is supposed to be there. She must be in the present church to bring the church to this reality: (maturity)
It must repent of man made systems, which are the manifestation of Babylon, and embrace the kingdom of Jah, which is His righteous rule.
Yes Jezebel’s presence in your church is screaming this message to you:
Your church government is wrong!
Having been part of the apostolic authority that founded two churches, I can tell you from experience, that even those called to the ministry of church planting, can be taken by this spirit and be led to raise up a system that pleases Mammon, and fights the kingdom. In fact if you would examine most TV ministries you would find people, who heard from Jah, started a work, but now preach Mammon.
As there are only two masters, there are only two systems (methods). They are, True faith or fear. Faith is the only way to please the true Master, to walk with peace with him, and to overcome the other system.
Rom 5:1Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:
1Jo 5:4 For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, [even] our faith.
Churches with wrong government always lead men to trust men, and money, and not Jah. That church will never overcome the world. It is part of the Mammon system.
When Israel was captured and taken to Babylon, they lived their for seventy years, before they returned to the holy city of Jerusalem.
How long will men live in a system that they know is not producing God’s glory on the earth? Selah
The problem we find when we tell men to repent to the kingdom, is that they believe they already have. They do not see their comfortable church involvement as being wrong, indeed they hold it up as the reason they have no need for the kingdom of Jah message. They have been blinded to truth by the god of this world. They are comfortable in Babylon, but there is no joy there.
Psa 137:2 We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof.
Will you stay in Babylon, or will you come to the Holy City?
You can know if you are trapped in Babylon, by examining what the spirit of the group you are with is. Answer these questions:
Is there abiding love in your group which binds you together, or is your group built around some accomplishment?
Are you aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit in your group?
Is your group building its name, through demeaning the name of other ministries?
Are there deliverances happening in your group? Do you cast out demons?
Babylon was defined years ago by Matthew Chapman. His definition is this:
“Babylon is a place in the spiritual realm that has been made by the hearts of men being joined together in a fleshly unity, centered around some form of earthly gain.”
Babylon is religion. It is Jesus-less stuff.
The Word explains Babylon in this way:
Rev 18:2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
Yes churches that have been captured by Baal, Jezebel, and Mammon, are the worst demonic strongholds on the face of the earth!
Rev 18:24 And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.
And the result of being there is your spiritual death!
Jah’s proclamation to you is this first: Come out of her!
Then you will find, You do not just come out of that system, you must also return to New Jerusalem! (True faith) You will never experience the promises you have long awaited until you are in righteous governance. This can only happen when men repent of dealing with Babylon, and embrace Kingdom of God and its government, which is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy spirit. You will find that government manifests in this way, gifts, administrations and operations.
1Cr 12:4 Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.
1Cr 12:5 And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord.
1Cr 12:6 And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all.
Come to the kingdom, New Jerusalem:
Rom 14:17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
New Jerusalem is not some city that comes down from heaven after the end of time. It is a city, a people who have come from the truth of heaven, and are manifest on this earth! They have seen the glory and they have the answers.
If you are waiting for a rapture, I have got to tell you that you have been misinformed. Look rather to have your soul raptured into Jah’s presence right now! The only flying away you are going to do, is that your spirit will raise to new glories never before known!
The reason we have not experienced the kingdom, the New Jerusalem of Jah right now, is that if are captured in Babylon.
The way to freedom is to leave Babylon, and forsake her ways, and return to the kingdom of Jah! This is what is known as repenting unto the kingdom. This means if your church is not operating in the prescribed method above you must separate yourself from it.
But you might say we have had some good times in our church. If you are not seeing what was described in the above questions, you are in the wrong place.
This nation will not recover unless the church gain Jah’s true power. It will not have it while in exile to Babylon.
Luk 11:20 But if I with the finger of God cast out devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you.
The Babylon system is a system that causes men to trust in their own ideas and to forsake Jah's word. It is a system that causes men to trust insurance, instead of divine protection, jobs instead of Jah's provision, and Social Security instead of Jah's promise to not leave us nor forsake us. Each place in your life, you trust some man invention instead of trusting His Word and in your walk with jah, is a city or stronghold of Babylon in your life.
Doctors, Hospitals, institutions of Higher education, School, gambling casinos, Psychological counsels, and Wall Street all represent places men trust their own plans rather then the God of the bible and His Word. Church men trust these Cities in Babylon as much as the pagan.
The command to come out of her is not a request. It is imperative for freedom from afflicting spirits.
Rev 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
There will never be lasting freedom in the church so long as she is out of order.
America will not recover from Her present fall, until she hear the message of the kingdom and repent.
America will not hear the kingdom message until, church men have repented unto the kingdom.
In the future I will write on this:
Our inheritance is the kingdom and its King. We must run in such a way as to possess the kingdom at all times.
This article would have never been written by me had I not years ago read the book
Spiritual Geography by Matthew Chapman. Thanks Matthew.
Also click on title for an update on Matthew Chapman
The spiritual climate in America’s churches is also desperate and soon will be more stormy then ever. There must be changes in the church system. Church as done in North America is whorish. We have left our first estate. The church and institutions that were birthed by it, have become part of an oppressive system that heals no one, and empowers only those who are willing to pay its price of tuition, which is conformity to "man think". The institutional church is nothing different than Babylon the great of biblical days. The institutional church has taught men to trust in Mammon's system rather than Jah's.
Everyone lives according to a set of beliefs. Your beliefs can be righteous or evil. There are two kingdoms that exist on this earth. They are the kingdom of Jah, and the kingdom of Mammon. Everything you believe, and everything you do, is a witness of what kingdom you embrace. Sometimes what people speak is a true evidence of the kingdom they embrace. But some honor one kingdom with their mouths, while denying it with their lives.
You must discern what kingdom you are a part of. There is one main evidence of being part of the kingdom of the righteous that you can know. He is the witness of life. He is the Holy Spirit. We are always thankful for the gift of the Father, who is Jesus Christ our savior and Lord. We know Him through the Word, and the Spirit. The written word must be activated by the Holy Spirit. Without the spirit of Jah we are none of His.
Yet in this hour of apostasy there is a cry being heralded. It is: “Where is Jah in the calamity of our days?” Some in the church have finally begun to confess that the church is a failed system. Thank Jah! Some of us have come out of her and waited for Jah’s next instruction. Some have been out for a long time, and they have been given instruction and teaching for those who have only recently realized the failure of the institutional church.
I am such a one. One, who as the son’s of Issachar, understand the times in which I live, and have wisdom to share. The reason people are beginning to wake up is that they have longed for the experiences portrayed in the book of Acts, and feel it has been promised to them, but they live with a different reality. That reality is a powerless sickly anemic faith, which is changing nothing. It is being lived out amidst covenant-less relationships, and always contradicts the promises in the word for this day.
Sadly some TV money hucksters have taken advantage of this Spiritless church, and robbed her of her monies. They hold themselves up as being successful as Christians in this day, but many of them are really just slick tongued devils, who endlessly find a new formula for the poor, and the fearful, who watch them to follow. Believe me, I have given to them, and in all the years of giving have only seen one blessing come from all the giving. In Jah, giving back to me for that giving, I feel Jah, honored my faith, not their work, or methods.
If you agree with what I am writing here, you surely have the same question most would. What do we do?
First I must show you where you are spiritually, then I will show you how to get back.
You are in Babylon the great. She is a great whore and she sits over many peoples. She is the system Mammon uses to control the nations. She is working in your church to keep peoples program oriented. She is working in your home to undermine spiritual authority, especially when the father is in the home. She is working to get fathers to leave their children before they are grown. She is breaking the economy so that families will be broken through dislocation, or poverty. She is the one who offers you education for jobs, that will disappear by the time you are finished with your studies.
Mammon’s work against this nation, employs the work of many demons or principalities. Before we name them let us understand this: The devil always works through lies. When we allow lies to grow in our minds, we slide into delusion. Jezebel is the most entrenched demon in American thinking. In fact she is the principal demon that works out the will of the one other god, who is Mammon.
Mat 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
Jezebel who is the female form of Baal, works to bring male leadership to destruction. She has an enabler, who is by name, the “Ahab” demon. This demon works in a male to subvert his ability to lead, and produce. America’s society, is ever more stacked against men, who love Jah. In this hour in which we live, Jezebel offers men diversions to their call. Our Mammon controlled society is a willing participant in the undermining of male authority by Jezebel and Ahab. Men are offered diversion to their call through readily available pornography, possessions, and sports. The more men’s hearts are turned toward these temptations, the more entrenched in their minds Jezebelian thinking gets. Her ultimate goal is that men become subservient to woman. Mammon’s use of this demon, is so that there can be no leadership by men to bring people to worship Jah.
Jezebel is most active in the prophetic church. (I really don’t believe churches that are not prophetic are actually of Jah) She is active, and employs words to bring her stings of witchcraft to men to paralyze them. Accusation is one of Jezebel’s great tools against the righteous male. How oft have Jah’s plan for ministry been cut off, by the accusations, and intimidation of one person? I speak of a person who allows Jezebel to use them, and then to bewitch most of a congregation to stand against Jah’s set minister? Yet even the prophetic church often does not recognize her work, and falls prey to her schemes. Time and time again, even when some learn from past mistakes, Jezebel takes a new generation, and uses them against those who have been given watch over their souls.
We in the prophetic and apostolic church have long warred against this principality. But what we did not know is she is supposed to be there. She must be in the present church to bring the church to this reality: (maturity)
It must repent of man made systems, which are the manifestation of Babylon, and embrace the kingdom of Jah, which is His righteous rule.
Yes Jezebel’s presence in your church is screaming this message to you:
Your church government is wrong!
Having been part of the apostolic authority that founded two churches, I can tell you from experience, that even those called to the ministry of church planting, can be taken by this spirit and be led to raise up a system that pleases Mammon, and fights the kingdom. In fact if you would examine most TV ministries you would find people, who heard from Jah, started a work, but now preach Mammon.
As there are only two masters, there are only two systems (methods). They are, True faith or fear. Faith is the only way to please the true Master, to walk with peace with him, and to overcome the other system.
Rom 5:1Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:
1Jo 5:4 For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, [even] our faith.
Churches with wrong government always lead men to trust men, and money, and not Jah. That church will never overcome the world. It is part of the Mammon system.
When Israel was captured and taken to Babylon, they lived their for seventy years, before they returned to the holy city of Jerusalem.
How long will men live in a system that they know is not producing God’s glory on the earth? Selah
The problem we find when we tell men to repent to the kingdom, is that they believe they already have. They do not see their comfortable church involvement as being wrong, indeed they hold it up as the reason they have no need for the kingdom of Jah message. They have been blinded to truth by the god of this world. They are comfortable in Babylon, but there is no joy there.
Psa 137:2 We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof.
Will you stay in Babylon, or will you come to the Holy City?
You can know if you are trapped in Babylon, by examining what the spirit of the group you are with is. Answer these questions:
Is there abiding love in your group which binds you together, or is your group built around some accomplishment?
Are you aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit in your group?
Is your group building its name, through demeaning the name of other ministries?
Are there deliverances happening in your group? Do you cast out demons?
Babylon was defined years ago by Matthew Chapman. His definition is this:
“Babylon is a place in the spiritual realm that has been made by the hearts of men being joined together in a fleshly unity, centered around some form of earthly gain.”
Babylon is religion. It is Jesus-less stuff.
The Word explains Babylon in this way:
Rev 18:2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
Yes churches that have been captured by Baal, Jezebel, and Mammon, are the worst demonic strongholds on the face of the earth!
Rev 18:24 And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.
And the result of being there is your spiritual death!
Jah’s proclamation to you is this first: Come out of her!
Then you will find, You do not just come out of that system, you must also return to New Jerusalem! (True faith) You will never experience the promises you have long awaited until you are in righteous governance. This can only happen when men repent of dealing with Babylon, and embrace Kingdom of God and its government, which is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy spirit. You will find that government manifests in this way, gifts, administrations and operations.
1Cr 12:4 Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.
1Cr 12:5 And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord.
1Cr 12:6 And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all.
Come to the kingdom, New Jerusalem:
Rom 14:17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
New Jerusalem is not some city that comes down from heaven after the end of time. It is a city, a people who have come from the truth of heaven, and are manifest on this earth! They have seen the glory and they have the answers.
If you are waiting for a rapture, I have got to tell you that you have been misinformed. Look rather to have your soul raptured into Jah’s presence right now! The only flying away you are going to do, is that your spirit will raise to new glories never before known!
The reason we have not experienced the kingdom, the New Jerusalem of Jah right now, is that if are captured in Babylon.
The way to freedom is to leave Babylon, and forsake her ways, and return to the kingdom of Jah! This is what is known as repenting unto the kingdom. This means if your church is not operating in the prescribed method above you must separate yourself from it.
But you might say we have had some good times in our church. If you are not seeing what was described in the above questions, you are in the wrong place.
This nation will not recover unless the church gain Jah’s true power. It will not have it while in exile to Babylon.
Luk 11:20 But if I with the finger of God cast out devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you.
The Babylon system is a system that causes men to trust in their own ideas and to forsake Jah's word. It is a system that causes men to trust insurance, instead of divine protection, jobs instead of Jah's provision, and Social Security instead of Jah's promise to not leave us nor forsake us. Each place in your life, you trust some man invention instead of trusting His Word and in your walk with jah, is a city or stronghold of Babylon in your life.
Doctors, Hospitals, institutions of Higher education, School, gambling casinos, Psychological counsels, and Wall Street all represent places men trust their own plans rather then the God of the bible and His Word. Church men trust these Cities in Babylon as much as the pagan.
The command to come out of her is not a request. It is imperative for freedom from afflicting spirits.
Rev 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
There will never be lasting freedom in the church so long as she is out of order.
America will not recover from Her present fall, until she hear the message of the kingdom and repent.
America will not hear the kingdom message until, church men have repented unto the kingdom.
In the future I will write on this:
Our inheritance is the kingdom and its King. We must run in such a way as to possess the kingdom at all times.
This article would have never been written by me had I not years ago read the book
Spiritual Geography by Matthew Chapman. Thanks Matthew.
Also click on title for an update on Matthew Chapman
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