I was asked the other day if I was “in Church”. My mind exploded with these thoughts:
There is a whole bunch of stuff going on in this world that calls its self by the name of the Lord, that has little or nothing to do with true faith and relationship with God.
Many people, who are of the church, think that the church is “the answer”. I thought this for a while as a young Christian. However, as I was continually led by the Spirit of God to see the short comings, and hypocrisy of the church, I gained understanding that yet few have seen.
Christ is the answer. I am the church. You are the church, if you have laid down your life for Christ’s purpose, and embraced His truth.
Keith Green said: “Going to church does not make you a Christian anymore then going to Macdonald’s makes you a Big Mac”. True.
I once asked a man I thought of as a “Messianic Jew”, what he liked to be called. Did he like “Messianic Jew”, or what term should I use to show that he as a natural Jew had embraced Christ as Lord?
He said: “Repentant Sinner”. Good one!
I embrace the repentant as my brothers and sisters. Yet there is more. If we look at scripture with an open allegiance to Truth, we find that it is ”The Kingdom” that both John and Jesus’ message, required that we repent unto.
They never said: “Join the church!”
I have worked with churchmen broad and wide, and almost all of them embrace some form of Jesus, but few repent unto the kingdom. People, who embrace Jesus, without repentance unto the kingdom- in whatever form, tend to make church the focus of their lives. People who repent unto the kingdom embrace the Holy Spirit and He magnifies the Lord Jesus in their lives. Now both may meet at a building on a regular basis. But what goes on there will be as different as night and day.
This one fault-not repenting unto the kingdom- keeps the church powerless to cast out demons and keep them out. A man focused Church is not church at all. The Kingdom is about the Holy Spirit. He is where the righteousness, peace and Joy are found. He is the power of God manifest in this earth. When one repents unto the kingdom, churchanity seems foolish and even more than that, dangerous. Dangerous because in one degree or another, churchanity limits the rule of God. The kingdom is all about the rule of God.
Today’s differing expressions of churchanity have clearly set themselves up as judge of anything kingdom orientated. (Doctrines from the Rapture theory, kingdom now, to eternal security, and types and methods of baptisms, are places of great conflagration) We tend to judge each other along these lines. Many churches think if you are not at their fellowship or part of their denomination, you will go to hell. Pride is the main ingredient of this type of thinking. This is religion. I hate religion. I hate it if it is in you, and I hate it if it is in me. Religion is just and embracing of the demons of fear and pride in the heart. Churchanity is religion.
There are many forms of pride associated with the lie of churchanity. One is syncretism. It is, the mixing of man’s knowledge with the true gospel, which forms a whole other gospel. Most denominational churches are full of their own ideas about the truth of the bible. Something about “adding and taking away” comes to mind here. Most of us kingdom people, have a whole bunch of lies that we tend to hold dear to as well. All lies must go.
Church is full of Psychology these days. Psychology is not Truth. Anything that does not rest on the Truth of the Word, is not truth. There are many true things that are not in the bible. Psychology may know some of them. But truth’s nature is that it is fully true, and does not change. Truth has one other element. It is the Spirit of God. He is Truth. Of the true, what is true today, may not be true tomorrow. Of Truth, what is truth today, will be truth eternally. Psychology is not truth. Watered down easy-believism is not truth. The Spirit is God, and He is Truth. I have no battle with any who embrace the Spirit no matter how differing our doctrines may seem. Yet I cannot walk with all.
All churchmen need to be aware of a the danger of bringing other people together with you, for the purpose of embracing and following anything but the Truth of the Word of God. If your church is in error concerning the Lordship of Jesus, or the baptism of the Spirit, or deliverance from demons, and if you teach a man in that error, you will make him twice the son of hell. (as you are.. hmm..)
Paul said: “Follow me as I follow Christ.” God counsel that is.
Church friend, repentance is not a one-time confession of Christ, and then a constant effort to try to live right. Repentance is yielding one’s life to the true Christ. At that point He lives in you. Repentance is a continual embracing of Christ. That is what “repent unto the kingdom”, is all about. The only way one can continually yield to Christ is through the indwelling Holy Spirit. Without the Spirit of Jah, you are none of His.
If a church group is more committed to its dogma, its hymns, its traditions, than to the Truth of the Word, they will become Spiritual Babylon. Spiritual Babylon is: “Any place in the heart of man, where they agree together for some form of earthly gain.” This is where most churchmen gather. They want to make a name for themselves. They want fleshly gain by being part of the group. This always leads to a necessary pecking order, and honor not of whom it is due, but to whom ever best follows the group rules or pleases the leaders flesh.
To follow Christ is far different.
Kingdom people are the juxtaposition of churchanity. They are purposed to make Jesus known. The only rule they follow, is the rule of the Lord. They follow others who follow Christ. They do not commit themselves to coming to church, but rather they commit to being truth. If they are involved in church, they will probably be the most faithful attendees. But they know that, sometimes, church attendance has little to do with being Spiritual.
Kingdom people embrace each day as a chance to experience God. They are, hungry to hear from God. They do not want to plan their day until they have been with Jesus. They are filled with the Spirit of Jesus. They want intimacy with Him above all else. Their main focus is not evangelism, as important as it may be. Their main focus is, worshiping the King, and bringing Him honor. They do not care if church folks commend or condemn them. They don’t live in that earth realm confusion. They look for one glance, from the Christ, one embrace of His Spirit, and one word from Him. They know one word from God will give more clarity to life, then ten thousand pious sermons.
Kingdom preachers do not stand before congregations and tell their people how lovely they are today, to get bigger offerings. Kingdom preachers stand and proclaim the kingdom. Their only message is repent unto the kingdom, embrace the Spirit!. They do not preach their own righteousness but Christ’s. Not their goodness but Christ’s!
Kingdom people are the only ones who can bring lasting deliverance to the bound. When Jesus cast out demons by the Spirit of God, we could then know that the kingdom was come. This is the kingdom Jesus and John said to repent unto. Some still trapped in churchanity try to deliver others. This is futility! It is a culdesac, a viscous circle.
Kingdom is my life.
When I closed my work on 35th St. it was after an almost total betrayal against my ministry by the people of that work. First the Lord told me they had “rejected my message”. (Yes, He talks to me) Then He said, they had “rejected me”. At that point I agreed to sell the building. The rejection of most of my family really proceeded this. In fact few of them ever honored me.
There has been no repentance or admitting of guilt by those who did this evil. But they have accused me night and day. It is for this reason, I no longer hang with the earthly family or former church associates. And that will we be more so soon. So now, it does not matter that my family-whom I love greatly-have rejected me, and my message. They did not really reject me, but He who sent me. I have one Father, and He lives in my heart. My mother and brothers are they whom do His will. His will is to repent unto the kingdom.
I really don’t like to write letters such as this. I am not comfortable causing others distress even though it be
at the hand of the true and truth. But I’d rather tell the truth, then to see religious judges go on in their sin of judgment with unrepentant hearts, all the while thinking that my Lord is condoning their actions. I write this letter to let you know that I no longer and have not for some years now, considered myself to be part of any religion and now not even of the Vermilion Family. I am a citizen of the kingdom. My loyalties are with God who I now sometimes call “Jah and Jehovah”. My brothers and sisters are they, which do His will. A few of you may be part of my new family too.
The embracing of the Message of “repent unto the kingdom”, is all that separates us. Because it is the point of entry into another kingdom. In The Kingdom of God, we all are repentant sinners, and He is our only purpose. In that He lifts us out of the miry clay, and He is the point of everything, and let all glory be unto Him. And if I gain any praise, let it go to Calvary! Calvary is where the accusations of the accuser go as well.
May you know Him as Lord, healer, and deliverer, mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace.
In all my stand for the Kingdom, I do not intentionally reject any who believe, yet do not embrace what I here proclaim. But I do not walk with those who reject my message or me either. They are on another track and I hope it is of God, and maybe it will lead to the kingdom message. Yet there is only one way for me. I stand on many infallible truths. I have been more betrayed, and seen Christ more betrayed by those who call themselves “Christian”, then by Pagans. Deliverance from demons and lie is always the point of departure.
Let God be true and all men…..
Obviously if you do not think I follow Jah, you will not be able to be with me. So be it.
For His Glory
Repentant Sinner
Garry Ben Jesus
From the Word:
Rom 8:9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.
Amo 3:3 Can two walk together, except they be agreed?
Rom 14:17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
Mat 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
From religious tradition:
First Demon 1:9 If I confess my goodness, I can be assured that God helps those who help themselves.
Jaded 3:16 For God so loved the church that anything we want to do is OK, fine.
Huberis 12:1&2 Submit your selves to leadership and let them rule over you, and control your minds, and do not think anything different then any one else, and you will have no big fights among the church folks.
Galacitica 4: 11 Cast out the kingdom preacher and his son, and strife will cease.
Am I in Church? Brother, I am the real church! The heir of Salvation, the apple of His eye, the true and the faithful, the redeemed the blood bought, the redeemed, the righteous seed, the redeemed, the beloved of Jah. I am right now seated in heavenly places. I am sealed by the Spirit, washed in the blood, brought back from death, and in all of these things I am more than a conqueror. Yet I glory only in the cross. I am hidden in the back room of His temple. I am covered by His glory. He is everything to me! If I am good it is not my own, but His. If I am Holy, it is His holiness that I live in.
If you wondered, about me, maybe equity would lead you to check your own pedigree.
Have you been filled with the Spirit? Lately?
Some who read this might say:
“You just say these things because you were wounded by the church.”
Brother, I was not just wounded, I was crucified by them…laid in a carriage and taken to my burial. But it is the best thing that has ever happened to me! For now I am kingdom. Now I am free.
I won’t ever be tempted again to go with the “bondwoman ministries”, which I see in action almost everywhere. But that may be a whole other letter.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Stand on His Word
Many of the problems we face as a nation are beyond man's ability to change. We need Jah's help.
We need His wisdom.
We need His provision.
We need His power.
Even though our government has done almost everything wrong concerning our economy, we can come out of this financial trouble.
The lies of Bush and Obama, and others, cannot stop Jah's outpouring if we His people, repent for our sinful nation, and call the things that need to be, as if they are already are done!
Our part is to proclaim His wisdom, provision, and power, to come. Our part is to stand on His Word.
We need His wisdom.
We need His provision.
We need His power.
Even though our government has done almost everything wrong concerning our economy, we can come out of this financial trouble.
The lies of Bush and Obama, and others, cannot stop Jah's outpouring if we His people, repent for our sinful nation, and call the things that need to be, as if they are already are done!
Our part is to proclaim His wisdom, provision, and power, to come. Our part is to stand on His Word.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Today is the Best of Times!
In the church circles which I come from we were pretty much taught to “believe God’ and not ask questions.
But we all have questions don’t we?
As I matured in the Lord He brought me into the prophetic renewal and the subsequent ministry of the prophet. This ministry has included my working in His ability to deliver many bound men from darkness and demons. I give Him all glory for this. This ministry developed through much un-training, and much retraining, and most of it through the direct ministry and teaching of the Holy Spirit. For the most part the church people I was with for most of my Christian life, and the ones I presently see, were/are Luke- warm and unbelieving at best.
The message to “believe”, is not a bad one. But our believing must lead to fullness of the Spirit. Christian truth, is not a belief without basis, or something we embrace through a leap of faith into the area of Non-reason. No our belief, is based in the truth of His Word, and He has given us many infallible truths there which give us guidance for all of life. These are truths, which make a mockery of most of what religious men teach, and are an anchor for our souls in these troubled times. Belief is a living thing.
All around I see people in crises of faith. They have never been this way before. If you have been through much “process” (soul sanctifying), you were prepared for this day of conflict in the earth. We, the prepared, are the “salt” for this hour. Our salt must be activated on the blandness of the sameness, tameness, and lameness this world and the church shows forth in this hour. The world and the whorish church presently display the same attitudes, and their beliefs of what success is and how to obtain it are very similar.
The only difference between the goodness of the world and the church seems to be that one is done in the name of humanity, and the other in the name of Jesus. Indeed, most of the “Jesus works”, are not really His, but just humanity with a little Jesus label attached.
Certainly we are in a day when the church needs to repent unto the kingdom, and the world needs to repent unto salvation, and the kingdom. True believing brings us to a cross every time. For the world, the cross is their first point of bowing unto Jah and they there, received His eternal life. From their each choice each day, is to be taken to His cross. We are not our own, but we were bought with a price.
For all that find themselves in crises, repentance unto the Kingdom is the first step, out. There is nothing better we can do with this day, then to submit ourselves to Jah, and believe Him for His grace to walk through this day. As we walk we shall share His way, His Truth, and His life. This is our quest in this life.
For this brings Him Glory! He has an answer for every question if you follow, and continue to follow. With each question He answers, you will find that your heart is a little stronger and better able to stand against great afflictions.
There was a book written once, which started with the statement, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” If the days ahead are to be times of trouble, wouldn’t this day be the best time to repent unto His kingdom?
But we all have questions don’t we?
As I matured in the Lord He brought me into the prophetic renewal and the subsequent ministry of the prophet. This ministry has included my working in His ability to deliver many bound men from darkness and demons. I give Him all glory for this. This ministry developed through much un-training, and much retraining, and most of it through the direct ministry and teaching of the Holy Spirit. For the most part the church people I was with for most of my Christian life, and the ones I presently see, were/are Luke- warm and unbelieving at best.
The message to “believe”, is not a bad one. But our believing must lead to fullness of the Spirit. Christian truth, is not a belief without basis, or something we embrace through a leap of faith into the area of Non-reason. No our belief, is based in the truth of His Word, and He has given us many infallible truths there which give us guidance for all of life. These are truths, which make a mockery of most of what religious men teach, and are an anchor for our souls in these troubled times. Belief is a living thing.
All around I see people in crises of faith. They have never been this way before. If you have been through much “process” (soul sanctifying), you were prepared for this day of conflict in the earth. We, the prepared, are the “salt” for this hour. Our salt must be activated on the blandness of the sameness, tameness, and lameness this world and the church shows forth in this hour. The world and the whorish church presently display the same attitudes, and their beliefs of what success is and how to obtain it are very similar.
The only difference between the goodness of the world and the church seems to be that one is done in the name of humanity, and the other in the name of Jesus. Indeed, most of the “Jesus works”, are not really His, but just humanity with a little Jesus label attached.
Certainly we are in a day when the church needs to repent unto the kingdom, and the world needs to repent unto salvation, and the kingdom. True believing brings us to a cross every time. For the world, the cross is their first point of bowing unto Jah and they there, received His eternal life. From their each choice each day, is to be taken to His cross. We are not our own, but we were bought with a price.
For all that find themselves in crises, repentance unto the Kingdom is the first step, out. There is nothing better we can do with this day, then to submit ourselves to Jah, and believe Him for His grace to walk through this day. As we walk we shall share His way, His Truth, and His life. This is our quest in this life.
For this brings Him Glory! He has an answer for every question if you follow, and continue to follow. With each question He answers, you will find that your heart is a little stronger and better able to stand against great afflictions.
There was a book written once, which started with the statement, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” If the days ahead are to be times of trouble, wouldn’t this day be the best time to repent unto His kingdom?
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Let it Shine!
Did Jah tell you to bless your enemies? Then do it. Yes, they who do not do you good, must have the blessing of your truth, and your love.
Jah loved us and gave us His best.
Here at the Rock Ministries we believe in doing the best we can and giving our best to the ones who may deserve it least. Our ministry has little been appreciated in the church so we are taking our life out into the world, through music and witnessing in the market place of life.
Jesus did say go into all the world! Yet, getting people saved is not our main focus. We want to introduce people to the real Jah. Where ever we may go we have one guiding force, which is, "to glorify him in the earth". We shall not hide any truth we have from others. What we have heard in secret we shout from the housetops. If they receive truth, He will save them.
The best blessing we have for man, and the one that does not depend on how things are going in our lives, is the truth of Jah. The truth does not change with circumstance. This truth lives, He is the Spirit of life. The truth does not change with men's acceptance or rejection. He is the Spirit of life. There is no man so despicable for you to pass them over with your truth. Indeed your Truth is their only hope.
Let your light shine!
Jah loved us and gave us His best.
Here at the Rock Ministries we believe in doing the best we can and giving our best to the ones who may deserve it least. Our ministry has little been appreciated in the church so we are taking our life out into the world, through music and witnessing in the market place of life.
Jesus did say go into all the world! Yet, getting people saved is not our main focus. We want to introduce people to the real Jah. Where ever we may go we have one guiding force, which is, "to glorify him in the earth". We shall not hide any truth we have from others. What we have heard in secret we shout from the housetops. If they receive truth, He will save them.
The best blessing we have for man, and the one that does not depend on how things are going in our lives, is the truth of Jah. The truth does not change with circumstance. This truth lives, He is the Spirit of life. The truth does not change with men's acceptance or rejection. He is the Spirit of life. There is no man so despicable for you to pass them over with your truth. Indeed your Truth is their only hope.
Let your light shine!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
The Kingdom:
The Kingdom of Jah that we preach is the one, which Daniel prophesied of, as an interpretation to Nebuchadnezzer’s troubling dream. Daniel the prophet was presented with an opportunity that
was fearful indeed.
Nebuchadnezzar demanded of Daniel, that he interpret a dream that he-Nebuchadnezzar himself, did not remember the content of.
Dan. 2:31-33
Dan 2:31 Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great image. This great image, whose brightness [was] excellent, stood before thee; and the form thereof [was] terrible.
Dan 2:32 This image's head [was] of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass,
36 This [is] the dream; and we will tell the interpretation thereof before the king.
Dan 2:37 Thou, O king, [art] a king of kings: for the God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom, power, and strength, and glory.
Dan 2:38 And wheresoever the children of men dwell, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the heaven hath he given into thine hand, and hath made thee ruler over them all. Thou [art] this head of gold.
Dan 2:39 And after thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee, and another third kingdom of brass, which shall bear rule over all the earth.
Dan 2:40 And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all [things]: and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise.
Most scholars that I have read, interpret this scripture as talking of four differing and successive kingdoms. I agree with that. Yet from my perspective, though these may have been in rule in different times and geographic areas, in my view, they all represent Spiritual Babylon. Three of these kingdoms are already past. The last shall be overcome by the eternal Kingdom of Jah.
Sadly they (the scholars) wait for a time when Jah will return, split the eastern sky and they will all fly away and eat a thousand-year meal with Him.
I don’t think so. (I'm staying to see what goes on here)
From my understanding of the scripture, (which differs from those of you, who worship at the feet of the scholor who was not baptised in the Holy Spirit, AI Scholfield,) this is truth about the kingdom
which we embrace:
The kingdom of Jah time started at the exact moment that Jesus breathed the Spirit into this earth as He died on the cross. This kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy, in the Holy Spirit. This kingdom is not first an external kingdom, but one which dwells within men who are indwelt by the person of the Holy Spirit. This kingdom shall grow, and arise and emerge into the earth as Jah’s people rise in agreement with the Holy Spirit in this last day.
The full manifestation of this Kingdom, which was cut by the hands of Jah, is initiated by a "Rock" hitting as a meteor, the former kingdoms, and destroying their work. These kingdoms, which have been run by Satan’s guiding hand, will be blown to dust, and the dust will be blown away like the chaff on the Threshing floor.
From my point of view we have come to that threshing floor time.
Dan 2:35 Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and the gold were broken to pieces at the same time and became like chaff on a threshing floor in the summer. The wind swept them away without leaving a trace. But the rock that struck the statue became a huge mountain and filled the whole earth.
Now the Rock becomes a great mountain. That is to say it becomes, the mountain of the Lord, the Kingdom of Jah.
We have come to that forever kingdom time. Yes this kingdom goes on forever.
Dan 7:13 "In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence.
Dan 7:14 He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all peoples, nations and men of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.
As we worship we enthrone this Christ in the earth. He is the King. Now come the days of the king!
Therefore, there may be nothing greater we can do for Jah or man then to worship and pray, and proclaim this kingdom come, in agreement with our Lord's Prayer.
was fearful indeed.
Nebuchadnezzar demanded of Daniel, that he interpret a dream that he-Nebuchadnezzar himself, did not remember the content of.
Dan. 2:31-33
Dan 2:31 Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great image. This great image, whose brightness [was] excellent, stood before thee; and the form thereof [was] terrible.
Dan 2:32 This image's head [was] of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass,
36 This [is] the dream; and we will tell the interpretation thereof before the king.
Dan 2:37 Thou, O king, [art] a king of kings: for the God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom, power, and strength, and glory.
Dan 2:38 And wheresoever the children of men dwell, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the heaven hath he given into thine hand, and hath made thee ruler over them all. Thou [art] this head of gold.
Dan 2:39 And after thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee, and another third kingdom of brass, which shall bear rule over all the earth.
Dan 2:40 And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all [things]: and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise.
Most scholars that I have read, interpret this scripture as talking of four differing and successive kingdoms. I agree with that. Yet from my perspective, though these may have been in rule in different times and geographic areas, in my view, they all represent Spiritual Babylon. Three of these kingdoms are already past. The last shall be overcome by the eternal Kingdom of Jah.
Sadly they (the scholars) wait for a time when Jah will return, split the eastern sky and they will all fly away and eat a thousand-year meal with Him.
I don’t think so. (I'm staying to see what goes on here)
From my understanding of the scripture, (which differs from those of you, who worship at the feet of the scholor who was not baptised in the Holy Spirit, AI Scholfield,) this is truth about the kingdom
which we embrace:
The kingdom of Jah time started at the exact moment that Jesus breathed the Spirit into this earth as He died on the cross. This kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy, in the Holy Spirit. This kingdom is not first an external kingdom, but one which dwells within men who are indwelt by the person of the Holy Spirit. This kingdom shall grow, and arise and emerge into the earth as Jah’s people rise in agreement with the Holy Spirit in this last day.
The full manifestation of this Kingdom, which was cut by the hands of Jah, is initiated by a "Rock" hitting as a meteor, the former kingdoms, and destroying their work. These kingdoms, which have been run by Satan’s guiding hand, will be blown to dust, and the dust will be blown away like the chaff on the Threshing floor.
From my point of view we have come to that threshing floor time.
Dan 2:35 Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and the gold were broken to pieces at the same time and became like chaff on a threshing floor in the summer. The wind swept them away without leaving a trace. But the rock that struck the statue became a huge mountain and filled the whole earth.
Now the Rock becomes a great mountain. That is to say it becomes, the mountain of the Lord, the Kingdom of Jah.
We have come to that forever kingdom time. Yes this kingdom goes on forever.
Dan 7:13 "In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence.
Dan 7:14 He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all peoples, nations and men of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.
As we worship we enthrone this Christ in the earth. He is the King. Now come the days of the king!
Therefore, there may be nothing greater we can do for Jah or man then to worship and pray, and proclaim this kingdom come, in agreement with our Lord's Prayer.
Monday, April 6, 2009
On Destiny
“When unanswered questions rule the soul, while partnering with unfulfilled expectations, Life itself will undergo a silent misery that will adapt itself to it’s surroundings. Fear, self-doubt, anger and anxiety, will begin to create daily paths of existence. Your Life was not designed to be this way. You are not obligated to “embrace this floor-plan of failure, misery, and death...”
Undrai Fizer
Undrai Fizer
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Unity, Vision and You
The price we have paid to walk in kingdom truth has been great. I have laid down the past and pressed on to His high call. I expect a sure destiny. I trust I am going somewhere, as I follow Him. I thank Him for his leading and presence in this journey!
Yet, I cannot expect a divine destiny, if I do not prepare for that destiny. This is true for you as well kingdom prophet. Consider this; when you take a trip on an airline, you must pack a bag to take with you. What you take should be in keeping with where you are going and what is needed for your comfort, and success in that place. You wouldn’t take a winter parka to a tropical destination, would you? It would be useless and would only serve to weigh you down.
In keeping with that, you must know that some of the gift’s Jah has developed in you, are for this day. Yet, know that it is possible, that there may be many giftings and trappings of the past, which are not for this day. The gifts to be wielded in this day are they, which are necessary for success in this day. When you have spiritual insight into what the battle is, you will know what gifts are foremost for use. To wield the right weapons and strategies, for this day, is essential for success.
In any case, the battle is not between the old and the new so much, as between the false and the true. Try everything, hold fast to the true. Let your sword be true.
Anything that was proven, not from Jah, in the past, needs to be thrown out. Anything that is not in keeping with your present ministry may need to be laid aside. The things I speak of could be, church tradition, worship tradition, eating patterns, family relationships, jobs, recreational focus, time investment, and who and how you depend on and interact with.
Where are you going? Do you have a call different from the past? Do you nave new vision? If so the weapons for this warfare are not carnal, they are Spiritual. The weapons you wield will be suited for today’s battle. The Lord will make this clear to you.
Be aware that you cannot let people from the past dictate how you do ministry today, by their expectations.
For me this plays out, in this way:
I was formerly a pastor of a Spirit-Filled church that was mostly traditional. I know, if people who came to my past fellowship, came to this one, they would tend to have an expectation of sameness concerning the former work. However, though I thank Jah for what I learned from that work, I have no desire to return to it.
People’s expectations can throw you off Jah’s course! You are not for everyone. Your ministry is not for everyone. You are for some.
When Jah sends others to you, there will also be sent, some from Satan. Only those who believe your word, should be allowed to walk with you. You must be discriminating. The people who come to be with you, will either bring power and gifts for the future blessing, or evil to work your destruction.
If you are seeking a new fellowship or are pondering going into a ministry new to you, which is already established, you need to be a peace with that vision, or you need not to connect there. You would only bring trouble.
This all leads to this fact,. Only where there is unity, can there be power. There can be no unity without sameness of vision, and agreement. We cannot have unity without purity. When we are unified, we share common vision and hopes. This must be the case of all of they whom you work with.
If we travel into the new, we will need to pack our bags for the specific journey, and carry that which is needed for success there. We must leave "much" behind! This "much", includes people critical, or negative to our vision. Can two walk together unless they be agreed? The price you have paid to walk in kingdom has been great.
Everyone who will walk with you must eat that same flesh and drink that same blood.
Yet, I cannot expect a divine destiny, if I do not prepare for that destiny. This is true for you as well kingdom prophet. Consider this; when you take a trip on an airline, you must pack a bag to take with you. What you take should be in keeping with where you are going and what is needed for your comfort, and success in that place. You wouldn’t take a winter parka to a tropical destination, would you? It would be useless and would only serve to weigh you down.
In keeping with that, you must know that some of the gift’s Jah has developed in you, are for this day. Yet, know that it is possible, that there may be many giftings and trappings of the past, which are not for this day. The gifts to be wielded in this day are they, which are necessary for success in this day. When you have spiritual insight into what the battle is, you will know what gifts are foremost for use. To wield the right weapons and strategies, for this day, is essential for success.
In any case, the battle is not between the old and the new so much, as between the false and the true. Try everything, hold fast to the true. Let your sword be true.
Anything that was proven, not from Jah, in the past, needs to be thrown out. Anything that is not in keeping with your present ministry may need to be laid aside. The things I speak of could be, church tradition, worship tradition, eating patterns, family relationships, jobs, recreational focus, time investment, and who and how you depend on and interact with.
Where are you going? Do you have a call different from the past? Do you nave new vision? If so the weapons for this warfare are not carnal, they are Spiritual. The weapons you wield will be suited for today’s battle. The Lord will make this clear to you.
Be aware that you cannot let people from the past dictate how you do ministry today, by their expectations.
For me this plays out, in this way:
I was formerly a pastor of a Spirit-Filled church that was mostly traditional. I know, if people who came to my past fellowship, came to this one, they would tend to have an expectation of sameness concerning the former work. However, though I thank Jah for what I learned from that work, I have no desire to return to it.
People’s expectations can throw you off Jah’s course! You are not for everyone. Your ministry is not for everyone. You are for some.
When Jah sends others to you, there will also be sent, some from Satan. Only those who believe your word, should be allowed to walk with you. You must be discriminating. The people who come to be with you, will either bring power and gifts for the future blessing, or evil to work your destruction.
If you are seeking a new fellowship or are pondering going into a ministry new to you, which is already established, you need to be a peace with that vision, or you need not to connect there. You would only bring trouble.
This all leads to this fact,. Only where there is unity, can there be power. There can be no unity without sameness of vision, and agreement. We cannot have unity without purity. When we are unified, we share common vision and hopes. This must be the case of all of they whom you work with.
If we travel into the new, we will need to pack our bags for the specific journey, and carry that which is needed for success there. We must leave "much" behind! This "much", includes people critical, or negative to our vision. Can two walk together unless they be agreed? The price you have paid to walk in kingdom has been great.
Everyone who will walk with you must eat that same flesh and drink that same blood.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
The Reason Jesus Came
Jesus didn’t come to die for our sins. He came to give His life, to and for us.
Mar 10:45 For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.
-He came to give us abundance in that life:
Rom 5:17 For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)
-Save that which was lost. That is the Jew.
Luk 19:10 For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.
-Save the World. That is the Gentile.
Jhn 3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
In order to give us life abundant, He died.
So he didn’t come to die. He came to show us how to live, and to bring His life to us. He came to give us His life. To do this, he had to die. Our sins had separated us from the Life of Jah. His death made possible man's reconnection with Himself.
When he died, he gave up the "Spirit". The Spirit contains the kingdom. It is Jah's righteousness, peace, and Joy.
Mar 10:45 For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.
-He came to give us abundance in that life:
Rom 5:17 For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)
-Save that which was lost. That is the Jew.
Luk 19:10 For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.
-Save the World. That is the Gentile.
Jhn 3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
In order to give us life abundant, He died.
So he didn’t come to die. He came to show us how to live, and to bring His life to us. He came to give us His life. To do this, he had to die. Our sins had separated us from the Life of Jah. His death made possible man's reconnection with Himself.
When he died, he gave up the "Spirit". The Spirit contains the kingdom. It is Jah's righteousness, peace, and Joy.
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